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Long day--Cancer and 4000+ Electronics

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    TheHoss started this thread.
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    Long day--Cancer and 4000+ Electronics

    Talk about a long day.

    Last week, i had placed about 200 tv's outside, infront of my shop. Had concrete work going on right at the entrance to my shop, so i couldnt use the hyster or anything to move anything in. Well i got the word from the landlord that they were going to be doing their inspection soon. So i needed to get these tv's in ASAP, before they drove by and saw that.

    I had just gotten the tv's all moved, sat down on my tailgate, put in a dip, drank some coffee. When i get a call from one of my accounts: "Um, i'm REAL sorry for the short notice, and i hope it's OK. I have a 52 ft truck en route to your location full of electronics, should be there in about 5 minutes."

    I thought, "Sweet! They'll be in gaylords, and easy to move around!"

    Negative, captain.

    Truck shows up, opens the back door. I shouldve taken a picture. The entire truck was FULL of computers, laptops, and other computer related equipment. It was all just thrown in, not in gaylords, not on pallets, nothing. The driver tells me he's going to unhook, and he'll come pick the trailer up tomorrow.

    I spent the better part of 6 hours unloading over 4000, yes, thousand, computers and laptops, etc. Used the ramp, and my dolly. Boy am i exhausted.


    Well, my old man is in somewhat bad shape, as most of yall know. He always has some kind of "thing" on either his arm, his head, something. Due to his Agent Orange exposure in vietnam, he grows (normally) benign tumors in random places. He's had around 40 removed so far. Well he had 1 on his arm that we've been watching. It grew from pin size, to a little larger than a quarter around, and a half inch tall. Finally got an appointment, today, to have it looked at. They took some pictures, all that. I called the doctor (after i unloaded the trailer), to see what they found. Doc told me "We didnt really need to take pictures, we know what it is. It's cancer. It's not a benign tumor. We need to remove atleast a 5 inch section of his arm to make sure we've fully removed that cancer. We do not know if it has spread anywhere. Will be checking that soon."

    So i'm about a nervous wreck. But, i'm confident everything will be OK. I hope. Nobody really knows how hard it is being a Vietnam Veteran's son. All the compassion i have, and all the worry i have for him, with all his health problems. Hell he's going into surgery Valentines day for his (6th) hernia surgery. That's another symptom of Agent Orange. It eats away at you. So his muscles don't want to stay connected once they've been operated on. It's all an uphill battle. Between the seizures, the hernia surgerys, and now this cancer thing, i think the god**** ****ing government owes this family a little more than they give us for putting him, and all those other Vietnam Veterans through the pure HELL of Agent Orange exposure. /end rant

    Sorry for unloading on yall. Just needed to vent a bit.

    OH, and to any inquiring minds located in Idaho. IF you find my shop, and decide to go snooping, my shop is protected by 2 Smith & Wesson's, and 1 stressed country boy. You better think before you act.

  2. #2
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    Hey bud, sorry your dad is going through this and also the stress it's putting you through.

    You should have called me to help unload.

    Was gonna work on this mess today...

    but it won't stop raining and no room inside to tear down.

    Suffice to say I was bored all day.

    Hang in there bud.

  3. #3
    TheHoss started this thread.
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    Haha, yer welcome for that trailor load

    Appreciate the good thoughts. I'm working this weekend. The computers and laptops will ALL be gone tomorrow. My buyer is going to buy them tomorrow morning. I dont like holding that much product, with so many people on the look out for my type of operation....

  4. #4
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    Understandable. That's a sweet turn around time.

    Oh yea, thanks for the tv's! :P

  5. #5
    TheHoss started this thread.
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    Let me know how much you hate breakin down those beasts! Haha.

  6. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    but it won't stop raining and no room inside to tear down.
    Funniest looking rain I ever seen. We've got about 7" of white rain from that same storm.
    And Hoss, Your one of our "forum family's" that are always in our thoughts and prayers. I kinda know what he's going thru with all the different stuff that keeps happening to me. I keep having lil tiny cancer tumors appearing in my eyes; they sectioned my lower eyelid twice and this time they found them on the whites of my eyes. My doc says he's never seen anything like it. They want to laser them off, I said "I don't think so!"
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  8. #7
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    Snowed Wed, warmed up just enough to rain near non stop since. It's quite a mess out there.

  9. #8
    AuntieCake's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to hear about your father and all he has been going through. I've experienced the stress of dealing with a parent with cancer, sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!

  10. #9
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    Sorry about your dad. good luck and prayers

  11. #10
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    As always Hoss, hoping and praying for the best for you and your Dad. He raised a good man.
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  13. #11
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    I'm glad things are going well with your business, but I'm so sorry that you can't enjoy it right now. You should have called tater and said "May-Day!" when that big truck came. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Dad, Hoss.

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  15. #12
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    Hope everything works out for you Hoss... keep your head up and keep working hard
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  16. #13
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    Hoss, I am so sorry, I had no idea about your Dad. I will keep him in my prayers. Hopefully, if they've been monitoring him closely they caught it before it had a chance to spread anywhere.
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  17. #14
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    very sorry Hoss, I also had a relative bring 15 TV's and 2 microwaves today and it's snowing and my yard and garage are loaded LOL . I will have plenty this spring to do !!
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  18. #15
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    I wish the best for your dad hoss. I don't have anyone dumping a truckload of TV's on me, but I will commiserate with you on the cancer. Cancer sucks! Last week, two of the women in my family were given the "6 months" speech, one is 60 and the other 86.

  19. #16
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    For me the fact that it took many years before the government took responsibity for what agent orange did is difficult to understand. I am sorry for all the servicemen and their families. Many affected by it were the children, many birthdefects. Mike.
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    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  20. #17
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    One of my "hometown boys" recently died from complications due to agent orange. He was 54. Had all kinds of problems since his thirties. Like fingers literally rotting off...and still they denied the cause. He got full disability 6 mos before he died. I know the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing in the govrenment, but in the USA that should not be happening !

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  22. #18
    parrothead's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear about your dad. Hoping for the best here.

    Nice load of computers. If I got that kind of load, I would be calling work and telling them I would be off for a couple weeks. Then I probably would not want to ever see another computer for a year.

  23. #19
    newattitude's Avatar
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    {{HUGS}} to you Hoss and your daddy too. I can't imagine what you are going through.

    Congrats on the load, its too bad nobody could help you. so I guess you dont tear down, you turn around and sell?

  24. #20
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Hoss, I am truly sorry to hear about your father. Your father is a lucky man to have you by his side and vice versa. Will keep the two of you in prayers.
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