Well first thing this morning on my day off from the PO I went looking around the neighborhood and in 15 minutes got a large strand of xmas lights and 1 fridge. Took that stuff back home and headed to my scrapper contact. Picked up 15 towers and CRT's and a 40 pound box of misc boards cpu's ram chips drives. Paid $110 and a $20 bottle of Tequilla. I got him the booze because his last set of towers netted me about $400 bucks worth of stuff I sold on
ebay. So I did it as a thank you for his business.
Then headed to meet up with KZ at the auction. Got this mirror in a stack of stuff for $20.
Im going to put it on CL for $100. A detroit lions one sold on ebay for $150. Everything else at the auction went way to high. Get this there was a POS system there with 7 celeron PC's and 5 touch screen monitors. It sold for $1800 bucks and they even said it was for hardware only. I guess they really wanted them crappy computers. Maybe they just wanted the screens. I looked them up they sell new for about $400 each. The computers wernt worth $10 a piece if you ask me.
Then afterwords I took KZ out to lunch at Cinzetti's and we piged out. Had to buy him lunch since he gave me a chimney cab for my house for free
was a fun day.