We have a great relationship with our agent, so that's a great idea. He always steers us right and will let us know how and what we should do in this scenario--let him know what we're doing up front so we can be covered. Think this may help us in dealing with bigger gigs. Have to be/stay covered to be in business in any type of construction these days, at least if you're gonna work with contractors, businesses, etc, so I'm sure it's the same with this arena.
And your point on people's impatience is so true! We deal with that all the time too.
Thanks for all the info here. We're still assembling our first load. Hope to have time this week to take apart a few small appliances we've gathered. Picked up several other things this weekend, from family!

This first go 'round has been a great learning experience already. Saturday afternoon we were outside going through some of our stuff and realized just how much we've actually taken to the dump this past year! Makes us sick to know we threw away lotsa cold, hard cash...ah, but not again!
And hope to get to some of the craigslist freebies and more this week. Doing taxes this week still for our bookkeeper, so not a lot of time. Got a bunch of ideas going for the next few weeks, though. Pretty psyched to get our first load in.