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Found a giant boiler!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    IronPirate started this thread.
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    Found a giant boiler!

    I had to go into our basement here at work to check on something - first time I've ever been down there. Its beneath an old building in cincinnati and is like a prison cell - maybe 20ft square, no light, damp...only thing down there is the gas meter.

    Looming out of the darkness was a rusty old boiler that filled the room diagonally. Maybe 4 feet around, 20 plus feet long, rusty and partially cut open for scrap years ago. Made of 3/8 plate riveted together, and has big cast iron feet bolted to the base.
    Kinda shaped like an old locomotive LOL.

    Too dark for pics but it was a neat surprise to see it there. Not sure why the previous scrapper abandoned the project.

  2. #2
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Wow, IP, that read like a horror story, I could almost hear the thumping music ! You going to pursue it, I hope.?

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  4. #3
    IronPirate started this thread.
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    Probably not anytime soon - my employer doesn't have a positive attitude towards scrap. He'd be more worried about liability, etc than getting rid of it. I keep my day job and my side work separate.

    Maybe 100 years from now somebody will find it again

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  6. #4
    Ditchdigger is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    He'd be more worried about liability,
    A few years ago, I took a look at a job removing a boiler from 100 unit apartment building. The new one was in place and operating in an adjoining part of the basement. I didn't get to do the job, mainly because they wanted me to have 3 million in liability insurance.

  7. #5
    IronPirate started this thread.
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    How long does it take to cut through 3/8 plate with an OA setup? I'd bet this sucker would take at least a full day to cut down. Plus its within 8' of the gas meter

  8. #6
    ixcelr84scraps's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster-Dee View Post
    Wow, IP, that read like a horror story, I could almost hear the thumping music ! You going to pursue it, I hope.?
    I had visions of Freddy Krueger and those finger knives!!!! I hope I can get to sleep tonight. 1, 2 Freddy's coming for you....ugh.

  9. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I had visions of Freddy Krueger and those finger knives!!!! I hope I can get to sleep tonight. 1, 2 Freddy's coming for you....ugh.

    I thought this was hilarious, I guess for the person who has everything,,,
    LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS DEAL - I have 4 Joe D Mack Remake gloves in stock and ready to ship NOW ... PRICE DROP*** $250 each with FREE SHIPPING! Exclusive deal from now until Friday ONLY.... US ONLY!! Includes Priority Shipping with delivery conformation / tracking!!! Order now, and have it in time for Christmas!! This offer does NOT include layaway or eCheck payments, must be an instant payment. EMAIL FOR DETAILS!!
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 01-26-2012 at 08:15 PM.
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  10. #8
    thortek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ditchdigger View Post
    A few years ago, I took a look at a job removing a boiler from 100 unit apartment building. The new one was in place and operating in an adjoining part of the basement. I didn't get to do the job, mainly because they wanted me to have 3 million in liability insurance.
    If you already have a homeowners policy, you'd be amazed at how cheap you can get $3mill in liability insurance for. I had a $1m policy for my ex wifes photography biz because that was the smallest they wrote. cost me $150 for the year I think..

  11. #9
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    We carry liability for our business and can add a temporary rider for higher limits when necessary (I believe). I'm not sure if it would transfer to other activities not related to the main business that the policy was originated for. Anyone know?

  12. #10
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doso View Post
    We carry liability for our business and can add a temporary rider for higher limits when necessary (I believe). I'm not sure if it would transfer to other activities not related to the main business that the policy was originated for. Anyone know?
    It would depend how the policy is written. You would have to read through your policy/book. Or call your agent and let him read the book.
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  14. #11
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    Yep, I'll be calling our agent when we come across a big dismantling job of some kind. Hopefully soon...
    It would be sweet if it works out that way. Already insurance poor around here.

  15. #12
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    DoSo I would call before the big job comes in. This way you are not wasting time on the bid and can jump on the project before someone else does!
    As I'm sure you know people are very impatient and will take the one who can get it done first. At least that's the way I find it to be.

    Iron Pirate you found your treasure chest now you need to collect your booty. I would be taking lunch in the basement everyday! Little at a time I would be disassembling that thing. Have you asked the Boss? He might be happy to have it out of the way.

    Try this,,"Hey bossman I was thinking about the damp basement as extra storage. With a light and some Drylock on the walls it would be great storage.
    But sir first we need to get that ugly old boiler out of the way! It's just a good place for rodents to breed! I tell you what, I will take care of it myself, no need to pay me, I'll do it for the scrap!"

    Try that! Don't make me have to call him for you! Lol

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  17. #13
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    We have a great relationship with our agent, so that's a great idea. He always steers us right and will let us know how and what we should do in this scenario--let him know what we're doing up front so we can be covered. Think this may help us in dealing with bigger gigs. Have to be/stay covered to be in business in any type of construction these days, at least if you're gonna work with contractors, businesses, etc, so I'm sure it's the same with this arena.

    And your point on people's impatience is so true! We deal with that all the time too.

    Thanks for all the info here. We're still assembling our first load. Hope to have time this week to take apart a few small appliances we've gathered. Picked up several other things this weekend, from family! This first go 'round has been a great learning experience already. Saturday afternoon we were outside going through some of our stuff and realized just how much we've actually taken to the dump this past year! Makes us sick to know we threw away lotsa cold, hard cash...ah, but not again!

    And hope to get to some of the craigslist freebies and more this week. Doing taxes this week still for our bookkeeper, so not a lot of time. Got a bunch of ideas going for the next few weeks, though. Pretty psyched to get our first load in.

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