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$145 in two hours this afternoon

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
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    tackleberry started this thread.
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    $145 in two hours this afternoon

    I've made a few decisions with regards to my approach to scrapping in the past couple of weeks. Basically what it comes down to is the approach of garbage night runs, weekend cruises and appliance pickups aren't my best angle of attack. There are two reasons for this... 1) my small truck can't handle a worthwhile load of bulky items destined for the shred pile 2) waaaay to much competition, there are hundreds of guys hitting the streets on garbage night and offering to pick up appliances and other metal for free.

    What there isn't though is someone actively advertising to pickup scrap and pay for it. I had a little bit of success with my ad offering to buy computer scrap so I figured I'd toss one up offering to buy nonferrous items. Put it up last Saturday, have had only one pickup but it was pretty solid.

    Went and bought all of the copper and some brass from a guy who gutted the plumbing on a house. I payed $230, turned around headed to the scrap yard and sold it for $385. Factor in about $10 for gas and I'm up $145 in just over 2 hours. That's 3 times what I would have normally made in a week running around putting in many more hours picking up appliances and other goodies.

    I know there is nothing revolutionary about what I'm doing but I think the main point that should be taken away from it is that you should never stop trying to improve. Always be critiquing your approaches and looking for ways to maximize your bottom line based on your local market conditions.

  2. #2
    corycouch's Avatar
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    way to go

  3. #3
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    good job T-berry

  4. #4
    Mick's Avatar
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    And that's how it's done. If somebody had asked how to make money at this and you had said - "Well, put up an ad offering to pay for stuff", there would only be more questions about how much for this and how much for that and how far out should I go. In the end, it wouldn't work for them. You figured out what would work - FOR YOU - went out, tried it and made a pile of money. Keep at it.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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    That's super! We're in the process of working up a plan for ourselves, as well. Your post is an(other) inspiration to us to try all sorts of avenues and methods. Working up a list of contacts we already know, ads to place, places to scout (local university and smaller college) and lots more.

    In the meantime, we're playing with our own junk! Gathering up all of our own metal to sort, break down, etc. Televisions, computers, old tools, old chicken wire, metal hangers (not sure anyone does this, but I have a blue million of them!), old brakes in the garage, etc.....

    What better way to get your hands dirty with no cost involved? And just thinking about all the junk we've PAID good money to take to the dump over the years is ridiculous.

  7. #6
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    I applaud your efforts. I have seen many people offering to pay for metal on this forum and off this forum, and e scrap, but never non ferrous stuff. Good job. Keep it up!
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

  8. #7
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    George, there are number of members paying for non-ferrous on here, for me usually its junk extension cords at the auctions I go to. Big heavy ones that aren't allowed on job-sites because they can't have any splits in the outer jacket, so they are replaced with new.

    Tackleberry, great job on taking the plunge into it takes money to make money. Seed money to do something like this is just as important as the tools in your tool box.
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  10. #8

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    I think what you've done is put yourself at risk and because you were willing to, you profited more easily than those who take little to no risk.

  11. #9
    tackleberry started this thread.
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    Thanks guys.

    Backwell, the thing is I don't really see the risk. Advertising is free, I burn less gas, put less miles on my truck and I purchase a product which is extremely easy to liquidate at a known price. I am able to look at each potential transaction and estimate almost to the penny how much the deal is worth to me. If you know your numbers the risk is extremely minimal.

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  13. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    George, there are number of members paying for non-ferrous on here, for me usually its junk extension cords at the auctions I go to. Big heavy ones that aren't allowed on job-sites because they can't have any splits in the outer jacket, so they are replaced with new.

    Tackleberry, great job on taking the plunge into it takes money to make money. Seed money to do something like this is just as important as the tools in your tool box.
    KZ, I was referring to the fact that he stated he put up an ad for non ferrous. I know most people do pay for non ferrous, but I was merely referring to him placing an add for it, as most place ads for scrap metal, or ewaste.

  14. #11
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    10-4 George, I see what your sayin.

  15. #12
    ixcelr84scraps's Avatar
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    Here's what I did...I too have learned in doing this in a few short months the 'trash runs' bring too much competition. (ETA on regular trash days)

    My newest 'thing', I have made postcards and put them on mailboxes (outside, not inside)...this postcard is just like a business card, 2 sided also. Lists all the stuff I am interested in, phone # and .....NIGHT OF WEEK (not trash night) I will be coming thru the area for pick up. Front of my postcard states "Don't pay the big companies to haul your scrap! We will pick up and recycle FREE!" It's working. Also rec'd a few calls for items needed removed from out back, etc. That is only 1 of many new things I am trying.

    Many of those that are crawling the streets at night are not doing what I am. Most are looking for $$ for quick fix, IMO. I am professional, my ads look nice, have cards, postcards, flyers, business license, permit to scrap, office phone, authorization forms to cover my butt when picking up an AC Unit (the cost of all this was minimal, did all the work myself). I have apt runs set up for every day of the week in 3 counties. I don't have to dumpter dive or jump the fence in the middle of the night....I have the gate codes because I work directly with the maintenance men. I have about 10-15 complexes calling for cleanouts, pick ups of appliances, all of this accomplished in just a few months.

    I love your 'tude tackle, "never stop trying to improve". There is a lot of ops out there for those who want to do this like a real business. That's just my opinion ;-)
    Last edited by ixcelr84scraps; 01-26-2012 at 07:05 PM.

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  17. #13
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    OH, PS...the only things I pay for is Cars, cats, and have agreements with a few auto repair shops to buy barrels when full. Everything else I am getting 100% free.

  18. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ixcelr84scraps View Post

    My newest 'thing', I have made postcards and put them on mailboxes (outside, not inside)...this postcard is just like a business card, 2 sided also. Lists all the stuff I am interested in, phone # and .....NIGHT OF WEEK (not trash night) I will be coming thru the area for pick up. Front of my postcard states "Don't pay the big companies to haul your scrap! We will pick up and recycle FREE!" It's working. Also rec'd a few calls for items needed removed from out back, etc. That is only 1 of many new things I am trying.
    Not sure if you meant to phrase it this exact way or not, but I wouldn't suggest leaving post cards in mailboxes. Many on here will tell you, and it is true, that it is not legal. On people's doors is fine, but not mail boxes.

    I do agree with trash nights. There is like 5 different scrappers that scrap this neighborhood and 2 of them live here.

    When I started about 2 years back, there was maybe 20 all together, now that has multiplied by like 100 or close enough to it.

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  21. #16
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    My newest 'thing', I have made postcards and put them on mailboxes (outside, not inside).
    George, it musta been late when you read that,,,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  23. #17
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    George, it musta been late when you read that,,,
    You can see that he edited the post. She must have done it while I was typing out my reply.

    Although, it could have been there and possible I over looked it. If so, I apologize ixcelr84scraps
    Last edited by GeorgeB; 01-28-2012 at 09:47 AM. Reason: Sorry about that ixcelr84scraps (Christine)

  24. #18
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    You can see that he edited the post. He must have done it while I was typing out my reply.

    Although, it could have been there and possible I over looked it. If so, I apologize ixcelr84scraps
    Christine is a he, I guess I better start paying closer attention.

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  26. #19
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    Christine is a SHE!
    Last edited by ixcelr84scraps; 01-28-2012 at 12:25 PM.

  27. #20
    ixcelr84scraps's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    You can see that he edited the post. She must have done it while I was typing out my reply.

    Although, it could have been there and possible I over looked it. If so, I apologize ixcelr84scraps
    Seriously George? He??? what I am in drag dancing down there??? no offense to the draggers out there, I luv everyone...but I am 100% FEMALE. Just to make it clear.

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