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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ixcelr84scraps View Post
    Here's what I did...I too have learned in doing this in a few short months the 'trash runs' bring too much competition. (ETA on regular trash days)

    My newest 'thing', I have made postcards and put them on mailboxes (outside, not inside)...this postcard is just like a business card, 2 sided also. Lists all the stuff I am interested in, phone # and .....NIGHT OF WEEK (not trash night) I will be coming thru the area for pick up. Front of my postcard states "Don't pay the big companies to haul your scrap! We will pick up and recycle FREE!" It's working. Also rec'd a few calls for items needed removed from out back, etc. That is only 1 of many new things I am trying.

    Many of those that are crawling the streets at night are not doing what I am. Most are looking for $$ for quick fix, IMO. I am professional, my ads look nice, have cards, postcards, flyers, business license, permit to scrap, office phone, authorization forms to cover my butt when picking up an AC Unit (the cost of all this was minimal, did all the work myself). I have apt runs set up for every day of the week in 3 counties. I don't have to dumpter dive or jump the fence in the middle of the night....I have the gate codes because I work directly with the maintenance men. I have about 10-15 complexes calling for cleanouts, pick ups of appliances, all of this accomplished in just a few months.

    I love your 'tude tackle, "never stop trying to improve". There is a lot of ops out there for those who want to do this like a real business. That's just my opinion ;-)
    Good going Dude! Way to get h'er done.

    I do find that skirt a bit short!
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
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  3. #22
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    T-Berry, spoken like a true business man!

  4. #23
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tackleberry View Post

    Went and bought all of the copper and some brass from a guy who gutted the plumbing on a house. I payed $230, turned around headed to the scrap yard and sold it for $385.
    I have been thinking about this for a couple days now. I am surprised no one has brought it up but what if the guy gutted a foreclosed house and called you to haul in his stolen goods? That would explain the huge profit for simply moving some scrap. The guy takes all the time and effort to remove copper from within the walls of a house yet can't muster up enough gumption to take it down the road and have his picture taken for cash? Don't this seem strange to you?

    Seems like a good way to end up behind the eight ball while just trying to make a buck.

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  6. #24
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    Oh George...what am I missing? Are you talking about the edit on the 26th? The one that was the night before you quoted/posted?

  7. #25
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    Oh George...what am I missing? Are you talking about the edit on the 26th? The one that was the night before you quoted/posted?
    Honest mistake. The way I had read it, she mentioned placing it inside the mail box. Didn't see the other part.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  8. #26
    tackleberry started this thread.
    tackleberry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    I have been thinking about this for a couple days now. I am surprised no one has brought it up but what if the guy gutted a foreclosed house and called you to haul in his stolen goods? That would explain the huge profit for simply moving some scrap. The guy takes all the time and effort to remove copper from within the walls of a house yet can't muster up enough gumption to take it down the road and have his picture taken for cash? Don't this seem strange to you?

    Seems like a good way to end up behind the eight ball while just trying to make a buck.
    I could understand your concern without knowing any details. An older house in a nice neighborhood that was getting completely renovated. When I showed up the owner was sitting in his BMW and there was a couple roofers working on the house. Had a nice conversation with the guy, he is a salesman for a company in the plumbing industry, he is very much aware of the value of copper so didn't want to throw it in the dumpster he had brought in for the other reno junk but also didn't want to ruin the leather seats in his beamer bringing it to a scrap yard, what I offered was a nice compromise for someone in his situation. He had the keys to the house, as he took me inside to show me the furnace and a few other things that would be getting pulled out at later date that I could come and take.

    Your concern is legitimate Joe but there was nothing suspicious at all about the transaction and believe me my radar is up after what happened to me last weekend lol. Also here in Toronto there are many yards that will gladly buy 100lbs of copper, no photo, no id, no license plate # so if someone did want to do a rip and run on an abandoned property they would have no problem selling the material for top dollar themselves.
    Last edited by tackleberry; 01-28-2012 at 10:42 PM.

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  10. #27
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    Thank you for clearing that up. I just hate to see some get in trouble trying to make a honest buck.

  11. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by tackleberry View Post

    Also here in Toronto there are many yards that will gladly buy 100lbs of copper, no photo, no id, no license plate # so if someone did want to do a rip and run on an abandoned property they would have no problem selling the material for top dollar themselves.
    That, along with other issues, is what is going to cause the governments to hammer down on everyone! Not just the crooks!

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