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Scrap place in town won't take my loads - Page 2

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  1. #21
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    I go to the one thats closer to Forsyth and university, Where the old Artisan pool place use to be. Scrap Metal Trading. Little yellow signs that say We buy scrap. Prices are usually decent compared to everyone else. plus i like the fact that i can go there, they all know me, they dont mind me networking in there yard, and because i can throw as much plastic in with my steel long ans its connected. Copper today was at 2.50lb for #2 and 2.70 for #1 still pretty low so i didnt cash in but steel. They do E-waste as well there to (just dont go stealing all the computers around here :-p kidding)

  2. #22
    ScrapYaHerd started this thread.
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    Ah ya that is the new place I haven't been there yet, it used to be a pond place called Florida Watergardens, those prices are a little low on copper compared to 888 recycle on the corner of hanging moss/forsyth. Well to compare prices I called 888 recycle and E and H today which isn't open until next Tuesday they were cleaning the yard....E&H also allows plastic because they have a MASSIVE shredder.

    888 recycle
    Sheet alum-.40

    Sheet Alum-.48

  3. #23
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Man If I went to a yard one time and they said we aint buying your scrap. I would never go back to that yard again. Just get another yard and move on with your life.

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  5. #24
    ScrapYaHerd started this thread.
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    I'm guessing I have around 100lbs of copper and at .20/lb difference for the copper, alum, stainless and batteries were also priced higher I was estimating I'd make 40-60 bucks more and my normal yard is closed atm also. I re-nigged and went back after saying the first time I never would. I never make the same mistake 3 times....

  6. #25
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    In my opinion if the yard said they didnt want to buy my stuff I wouldnt go back if it was $1 a pound difference. Reason being I wouldnt have called them to see what the prices they are paying are cause I wouldnt be going there anyway.

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  8. #26
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    state of mississippi.

    2010 Mississippi Code
    Chapter 17 - Crimes Against Property.
    97-17-71 - 2. Scrap metal dealers prohibited from paying cash or making payment of any kind at time of transaction for air conditioner evaporator coil or condenser; scrap metal dealers permitted to purchase air conditioner evaporator coil or condenser only from certain contractors or companies; payment for scrap metal to be made by check or money order and mailed to business address of company for whom metal being sold; penalties for violations.<<

    June 16, 2011 - 23:11 GMT Location: New York

    The South Carolina senate has approved a bill that will ban cash payments for copper and certain other types of scrap.

    The bill, aimed at stemming scrap thefts, will force recyclers to pay for copper scrap, catalytic convertors and beer kegs by check and keep a record of payment for up to two years.<<

    The city of Memphis can continue to enforce a new law designed to reduce metal thefts, thanks to a Friday federal court ruling.

    The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling denying a request by the Tennessee Scrap Recyclers Association for a preliminary injunction to stop the city from enforcing the ordinance regulating the scrap-metal industry.

    The association and its co-plaintiffs, two scrap-metal dealers in Memphis, objected to a requirement that they "tag and hold" the scrap metal they acquire for a period of 10 days. <<

    so you can categorize this as political and dramatic.

    you can not even remove metal from ms without notifying the sheriff of the county you are removing the metal from. that next scrap yard down the road, is going to be a long ways down the road. in a different state.

    10 day holding periods. no cash payments. 15 day waiting periods for payment.

    just because this has not gotten to your area yet. it will.

    this is a small partial list of current requirements. it is growing every month.

  9. #27
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    ok just stop going there, if those are there prices im glad ive never gone again, everything you just listed is below what im getting price wise. and this yards open every day but Sunday. and you bring them 100 pounds of copper just tell them the price from 888 and they are going to match if not beat it to get your business. btw that brass price is just sad same with SS. I would highly suggest hitting up the little one on forsyth i think youd do good there. H &M has a shedder huh...intresting guess i know where im taking my cars now instead of having to cut them up to fit in a dumpster.

  10. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbrooks715 View Post
    10 day holding periods. no cash payments. 15 day waiting periods for payment.
    Ironic that you can buy a handgun and rob somebody quicker than you can legally sell scrap.

    You have to wonder though, that at some point MS and other states will strangle themselves with trash and scrap. I mean, if a homeowner can't get rid of their own metal, the curbside pickers can't take it, and the yards won't deal with small lots because of the bureaucracy, where will it go?

    Into the landfills? None of our local incinerators are capable of separating ferrous and non ferrous, for one. Or maybe the yards buy from the trash companies and cut us out altogether.
    Last edited by IronPirate; 01-27-2012 at 06:48 PM.

  11. #29
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronPirate View Post
    Ironic that you can buy a handgun and rob somebody quicker than you can legally sell scrap.

    You have to wonder though, that at some point MS and other states will strangle themselves with trash and scrap. I mean, if a homeowner can't get rid of their own metal, the curbside pickers can't take it, and the yards won't deal with small lots because of the bureaucracy, where will it go?

    Into the landfills? None of our local incinerators are capable of separating ferrous and non ferrous, for one. Or maybe the yards buy from the trash companies and cut us out altogether.
    What was it Chicken Little said? Something about "the sky is falling." Whats up with all the gloom n doom talk in so many posts recently? Oh wait. The Mayan calendar. World ending. Thats gotta be why everyone's on edge here lately.

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  13. #30
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    I think it may be the thaught of another 4 years of Obama? If he does get releceted maybe the mayans were right and the world will end in december Sorry couldnt resist LOL

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  15. #31
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    just like in the junk car bis almost every crusher I know will buy untitled cars, that is untill they get caught a time or two, at that point YOU will undergo an anal exam every time you sell them a car because they are under going a colonostiphy from the regulators.
    Now that's hilarious,
    10 day holding periods. no cash payments. 15 day waiting periods for payment.
    So you buy from the small guys in cash (if you have deep pockets) which increases the size of your load then take it in for the best payout. You went from a smalltimer to a middleman just that quick, thanks to the state.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

  16. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejackjr View Post
    What was it Chicken Little said? Something about "the sky is falling." Whats up with all the gloom n doom talk in so many posts recently? Oh wait. The Mayan calendar. World ending. Thats gotta be why everyone's on edge here lately.
    I'm not trying to be gloom and doom, just extrapolating out one possible scenario. Guess I am trying to point out the shortsightedness of the legislature. Seems like they're swinging to one extreme, which could maybe tie everyone's hands....Maybe then things will swing back the other.

    Except for the 10 day waiting period, that's just surreal.

  17. #33
    rewire's Avatar
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    Off topic, I believe the credential your looking for is a resale license, other than a business license, which both are not always required? On topic there's nothing wrong with spot checking, while spot checking ask what there policy is on buying your materials?, if any? Off the street buys or businesses only? Be vocal, express your concerns of them speculating interest by giving you prices, then being turned away upon delivery. Hopefully your only loss then is minimum, a 5 minute Call. You can always find a better price, just isn't as convienent. My broker is over an hour away, part of the game I guess? Keep networking and something good will come of it.
    I make cents on the pound, the name of the game is VOLUME

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  19. #34
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronPirate View Post
    I'm not trying to be gloom and doom, just extrapolating out one possible scenario. Guess I am trying to point out the shortsightedness of the legislature. Seems like they're swinging to one extreme, which could maybe tie everyone's hands....Maybe then things will swing back the other.

    Except for the 10 day waiting period, that's just surreal.
    It wasn't just "that" particular post. It's all over the whole forum lately. So many people seem to think the scrapping world is going to end tomorrow. Well, not me. No sir. I got work waiting in the back yard. All day, every day. And when I get enough prepped to make a decent load I will bring it to the yard. Any one of 5 around here. And I'll get paid and go to the bank. The cycle will go on. The scrap will be there. The world will not end. And if it does, I'll have worked it all the way to the end without worrying when or how or why it ended. In other words I'm enjoying the here and the now.

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  21. #35
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    I know quite a few yard owners and they are all spooked by what is happening with regulations. I have also seen some very strange pricing behavior at yards in the last 6 months,wild inconsistencies. I am going to keep an eye open and keep on scrappin' there is good money to be made,and in wheelin'/dealin' America we will find a way to do business Fo' Sho'!!

  22. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejackjr View Post
    It wasn't just "that" particular post. It's all over the whole forum lately. So many people seem to think the scrapping world is going to end tomorrow. Well, not me. No sir. I got work waiting in the back yard. All day, every day. And when I get enough prepped to make a decent load I will bring it to the yard. Any one of 5 around here. And I'll get paid and go to the bank. The cycle will go on. The scrap will be there. The world will not end. And if it does, I'll have worked it all the way to the end without worrying when or how or why it ended. In other words I'm enjoying the here and the now.
    Gotcha. I'm seeing it elsewhere as well. Hopefully its just winter blues, because there'y a lot of *****y people out there!

  23. #37
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    no. i don't think the scrapping world is going to end. it is going to change. it has already started.

    You have to wonder though, that at some point MS and other states will strangle themselves with trash and scrap. I mean, if a homeowner can't get rid of their own metal, the curbside pickers can't take it, and the yards won't deal with small lots because of the bureaucracy, where will it go?<<

    some of the scrappers will become licensed. the trash service will start to collect more at curbside. the yards will cut out the free lance middlemen and replace them. there will be fewer involved. and they will all make more than they are today. less competition.

    the point, that was missed by some, is that some states have already forced every yard to follow the same laws. which means everyone who brings scrap must follow those laws or they will not accept your scrap. and you will not get paid. the scrapping world did not end. it simply changed. if you do not change with it, then scrapping has ended for you. the scrapping world will continue. someone else who has met the changes will now pick up that metal. they will get paid. (by mail.) and they will go to the bank.

    Except for the 10 day waiting period, that's just surreal.<<

    worse than this?

    oregon state law.

    The law requires recycling businesses to hold payment for any non-ferrous metal purchases for 3 business days. All payments must be issued to the customer by check and the check must be mailed to the street address provided by the customer at the time of sale.
    Qualified commercial accounts are exempt from the waiting period for non-ferrous metal payments.
    The seller is responsible to carry a completed “Metal Transportation Certificate” (MTC) when transporting scrap metal intended for sale to a recycling business. Transporting scrap metal without a completed MTC with the intent to sell is a Class C Misdemeanor.

    some of the cities are proposing a 15 day wait and that the check be mailed.

  24. #38
    greytruck's Avatar
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    But you dont get paid for curbside recycling that you put out on garbage night. Plastic, paper,cardboard, ect. what a scam. The problem is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Also greed, I guess all the big shots need a new plane or a bigger boat.

  25. #39
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    ScrapYaHerd, have you tried emailing the boss or manager whose email add is on their website??
    Quickest way I know to get your point across and explain your predicament and if you don't get an answer, then there's your answer. There's something about you they don't like,, Maybe you just rubbed them the wrong way on a certain day. Or maybe someone right ahead of you pi$$ed in their Wheaties and it wasn't really you, they just took it out on you.

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  27. #40
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    I love your philosophy of living in the "here and now " Skyline. I try to live like that also. Chicken Little was a liar. sbrooks is not. Don't shoot the messenger ! He is bringing us facts from a field that he knows well. It doesn't have to frighten us. Rather let it enlighten us. I find his posts very informative and interesting to read, but I'm not going to panic and start looking for another job. I love what I'm doing and I can learn about what the stupid legislature's are doing and then get out there and tear my stuff down with a vengence. This is a senator...."BAM".......proposer of the bill in GA....bigger hammer....BAM,BAM !!! Lighten up everybody...and have a good time scrappin !!

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