Some regulations are necessary, of course, people are not angels and some people are straight up crooked. However, some of the newer proposed ones that I am aware of seem to punish the innocent along with the guilty . Regulations already exist against tresspassing and theft everywhere and many yards are required to hold scrap for a particular length of time in case it is stolen. Additionally, the yards around here already have procedures and policies to stop
scrap metal theft. You have to register, show a photo id - in some you have to give a thumbprint and be photographed. Still the thefts continue.
The problem is in the analysis of why. Why can't these thefts be stopped? It's not rocket science. Presumably, the same people keep doing it and keep going to the same yards- hello - there have to be some red flags there! Instead of making it harder for the honest scrappers, why don't the police go after the criminals ?
Start investigating the frequent flyers at the yard who have records for drugs, burglary, tresspassing and theft. Start following them around. You'll catch some of them in the act that way. Once busted, they'll probably be happy to tell you who else is doing it in exchange for a deal - a deal which could include that they don't sell scrap metal anymore. Start talking to people in drug busts about what they know regarding scrap metal thefts. I'm guessing they know a lot. Instead of overburdening the honest public, make the cops do their jobs.
A push back has started . In Cincinnati, the yards are not going along with it quietly.