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Scrap place in town won't take my loads - Page 3

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  1. #41
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Well I guess Senator D Dee has spoken.

    I did not mean to insight a riot or form a lynch mob. It is wonderful he provides this information about changing laws and loss of freedoms but it just gets to be a bit much when it is done in every post.

    Life is short lighten up and enjoy you will never get out of it alive!
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  3. #42
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    Some regulations are necessary, of course, people are not angels and some people are straight up crooked. However, some of the newer proposed ones that I am aware of seem to punish the innocent along with the guilty . Regulations already exist against tresspassing and theft everywhere and many yards are required to hold scrap for a particular length of time in case it is stolen. Additionally, the yards around here already have procedures and policies to stop scrap metal theft. You have to register, show a photo id - in some you have to give a thumbprint and be photographed. Still the thefts continue.

    The problem is in the analysis of why. Why can't these thefts be stopped? It's not rocket science. Presumably, the same people keep doing it and keep going to the same yards- hello - there have to be some red flags there! Instead of making it harder for the honest scrappers, why don't the police go after the criminals ?

    Start investigating the frequent flyers at the yard who have records for drugs, burglary, tresspassing and theft. Start following them around. You'll catch some of them in the act that way. Once busted, they'll probably be happy to tell you who else is doing it in exchange for a deal - a deal which could include that they don't sell scrap metal anymore. Start talking to people in drug busts about what they know regarding scrap metal thefts. I'm guessing they know a lot. Instead of overburdening the honest public, make the cops do their jobs.

    A push back has started . In Cincinnati, the yards are not going along with it quietly.
    Last edited by Scrapette; 01-28-2012 at 03:20 PM.
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  5. #43
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Kate For Prez

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  7. #44
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Here's what you do...Once your area has become over run with laws, rules and regulations, start a movement claiming you are scrapping for medical reasons. Worked here for pot, you can buy it all over the place as long as you have a hangnail and a card saying you need dope to treat it. Ok I'm exaggerating a little, but not much.
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  9. #45
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    lol CO is on my list to move to for sure.

  10. #46
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Start investigating the frequent flyers at the yard who have records for drugs, burglary, tresspassing and theft. Start following them around. You'll catch some of them in the act that way. Once busted, they'll probably be happy to tell you who else is doing it in exchange for a deal
    I think that would be a form of racial profiling and highly illegal according to federal law. A lawyer would jump all over that in a heartbeat.
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  11. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    I think that would be a form of racial profiling and highly illegal according to federal law. A lawyer would jump all over that in a heartbeat.
    Criminals are not supposed to be a protected group. Also, some of these folks are already on probation - completely legal to be checking up on them.

    Make a task force, find the culprits and leave the rest of us alone!

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  13. #48
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    Make a task force, find the culprits and leave the rest of us alone!
    I completely agree with you but we're talking about the gov't here.

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  15. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster-Dee View Post
    I love your philosophy of living in the "here and now " Skyline. I try to live like that also. Chicken Little was a liar. sbrooks is not. Don't shoot the messenger ! He is bringing us facts from a field that he knows well. It doesn't have to frighten us. Rather let it enlighten us. I find his posts very informative and interesting to read, but I'm not going to panic and start looking for another job. I love what I'm doing and I can learn about what the stupid legislature's are doing and then get out there and tear my stuff down with a vengence. This is a senator...."BAM".......proposer of the bill in GA....bigger hammer....BAM,BAM !!! Lighten up everybody...and have a good time scrappin !!
    Dee, with all due respect, this is the second time you have defended this sbrooks to me. You like him. That's fine. I get it. I, however, do not care to read what he posts. He does not enlighten or frighten me. I do not find his posts informative or interesting. In fact, I find his comments rather dull and boring. I do not read his posts. That is my right. And I have exercised that right by putting him on my ignore list. He has been there for a while now. You verify this with Mick or admin if you like. My comments were not directed towards him.

    I do wonder why it is you automatically assumed I was speaking about him.:confused: I mentioned no ones name by the way. Maybe he is one of the gloom and doom preachers I was speaking about and I didn't even realize this. But it's funny that you did. One things for sure. I'll never know what he preaches. He'll stay on my ignore list. So you have no need to defend him to me any more.

  16. #50
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    I never tried that there ignore list option! What's the deal you just don't see there posts?

    :eek: Wow I wonder how many of those lists I'm on???

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  18. #51
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    It shows up like this:

    Yesterday, 12:36 AM
    Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
    This message is hidden because rbrooks715 is on your ignore list.
    View Post
    Remove user from ignore list

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  20. #52
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Only thing I wish is If you put someone on the Iggy List is if they didn't even show when they commented on something. You know kind of like they never posted on a thread.
    Yep. Me too. That would be much better!

  21. #53
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Man learning so much today!

    I don't know if I could just pass by without having to read it! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: and then, :eek: and then again,

    I think the Iggy list is a great idea.

    And I quote ,

    "C' ya don't wanna be ya"

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  23. #54
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    oh oh due to skys explaining te use of the ignore button, my rant readership just dropped dramatically . on another note the bottom line on the original post is simple, its their business, they own it, for what ever reasion, they have the right to buy from or reject anyone, this is still America at this point, and that option is called FREEDOM.

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  25. #55
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    Once you put someone on iggy it's easy to pass by their posts. Only 1 time have I ever clicked on the "view post" link and that was after someone defended someone else to me about something I didn't even know or care what the someone else had said. My mistake. Won't happen again. But i do agree with Kris Kringle. I would much rather not even know that ignored individual had made a comment.

    Oh and btw. If someone chooses to put me on iggy I'm fine with that. Would rather not argue with someone on here.

  26. #56
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Hey did Jack just say something?

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  28. #57
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    oh oh due to skys explaining te use of the ignore button, my rant readership just dropped dramatically . on another note the bottom line on the original post is simple, its their business, they own it, for what ever reasion, they have the right to buy from or reject anyone, this is still America at this point, and that option is called FREEDOM.
    I for one enjoy reading your rants, olddude. You'll never go on my iggy list. Keep em coming!

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  30. #58
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    Hey did Jack just say something?
    lol. Not me. I been quiet as a mouse. lol

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  32. #59
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Finally something useful came out of this thread.

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  34. #60
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Wow, I can only guess how many ignore lists I'm on.

    Kind of defeats the purpose of a forum, doesn't it? Even if you think someone is a complete idiot he or she may have something valuable to impart on any given day.

    Your loss, imo.

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