Now that my thread is still on topic..........................
I sent the company an email. The reply I got was summed up by scrap metal recyclers are coming under ever increasing scrutiny. They would hate for them of their customer to be put in cuffs it is a 3rd degree felony so they have certain items that are red flags. Here is the document he sent me.
New Orange County Ordinance Requirements – Effective Jan 3, 2011
You must now show proof of ownership for the following items:
1. Manhole Covers
2. Electric light poles or utility structures
3. Guard Rails
4. Street, Traffic signs, or traffic signals
5. Utility wire including bus bars, connectors and plates
6. Funeral markers
7. Historical markers
8. Railroad Equipment
9. Any item marked with name, initials or logo of a government entity, utility company, cemetery, or railroad
10. Air conditioner condensing or evaporator coils (excluding coils from window air conditioning units and automobiles)
11. Propane containers for fueling forklifts
12. Stainless steel beer kegs
13. Catalytic converters
14. Metallic wire that was burned to remove insulation
15. Valves or fittings referred to as “FDC valves”
16. Potable water backflow preventer valves
17. Shopping carts
Payment for the above 17 Restricted Regulated Materials
Payment for restricted regulated material will be paid by check and mailed to the mailing address on file with the company – no post office box mailing are allowed
Exceptions: A check may be presented at the time of purchase for
● Registered charities, religious, and civic organizations, ect
● Manufacturing, industrial, or other commercial vendors
Proof of ownership
● Individuals – require bill of sale, receipt or other reasonable
● Employees and authorized sellers – official letter from company which
will be valid for 90 days
Payment for the 17 Restricted Regulated Materials
Payment for restricted regulated material will be paid by check and mailed to the mailing address on file with the company – no post office box mailings are allowed.
A check may be presented at the time of purchase for the following organizations:
● Registered charitable, philanthropic, religious, fraternal, civic, patriotic, social, or
school-sponsored organizations or associations, or from any nonprofit corporation
or association
● Law enforcement officer acting in an official capacity
● Trustee in bankruptcy, executor, administrator, or receiver who has presented proof
of such status
● Public official acting under judicial process or authority who has presented proof of
such status
● Sale or execution, or by virtue of any process issued by a court with proof of such
● Manufacturing, industrial, or other commercial vendor that generates regulated
materials in the ordinary course of business
Proof of ownership can be validated by:
Individual – receipt or bill or bill of sale or other reasonable proof
If the seller is an employee, agent, or contractor of a governmental entity, utility company, cemetery, railroad, manufacturer or other person, business or entity owning the property and that the seller is authorized to sell the item of regulated metal property on behalf of the person, business, or the entity owning the property, then Orlando Scrap Metal Recycling must retain on file an official document on the letterhead of the entity, indicating that the Seller is authorized to sell the regulated metal property; however, such letter must be dated within 90 days of the transaction.
Now that you're thread is still on topic..................
Dude, you've already been given advice in more ways than one. Apparently you're causing your own problems here. Take the best advice given here. FIND ANOTHER YARD AND MOVE FORWARD!!!!