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Scrap place in town won't take my loads - Page 4

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #61
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapette View Post
    Wow, I can only guess how many ignore lists I'm on.

    Kind of defeats the purpose of a forum, doesn't it? Even if you think someone is a complete idiot he or she may have something valuable to impart on any given day.

    Your loss, imo.
    No loss to me. Americans have the right to freedom of speech, religion, sexual orientation, etc., etc. I as an American have the same right to choose who and what I listen to, the church I attend or not, to marry a woman rather than a man, etc.,etc. By utilizing the ignore list I am only exercising my right as an American and as a member of this forum.

    As far as choosing to read something from "a complete idiot", I choose not to. Please take note: I mention no names here.


  2. #62
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Shields up captain;

    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
    no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

    I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie

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  4. #63
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    Shields up captain;

    lol. Oh, I'm waiting for it.

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  6. #64
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Man this place get's a little more rowdy then normal when there's no football to watch.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

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  8. #65
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    This kind of reminds me about a comedian I saw once on tv.

    He was asked if he ever worried about offending the Amish, since he made so many jokes about them. He answered, "No, I'm pretty sure they'll never find out!"

    If we could only find out whose lists we are on! (fiendish laugh).
    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

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  10. #66
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Skyline....sorry I assumed that you were talking about rbrooks. I guess it's because so many people have said negative things about him...and esp in re to "doom and gloom". I may be wrong, but I respect Mr. Brooks. Not personally...I don't know him, but he has been in this industry for 30 yrs and to me, his posts speak for his knowledge of the field. I'm tired of hearing about what's coming, too. That was the main intent of my post..."let's just get on with it". Do we have another member who has been in the e-waste business even half as long as he has? Do we have another member who knows most respectable buyers, processors and smelters in the USA... BY NAME (usually first name !). If you think he comes on too strong, too wordy or something about his posts have made you judge him one way or another...of course it is your right to ignore him. We all learned something from you...thank you. We could have all ignored dumbD !!

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  12. #67
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Man this place get's a little more rowdy then normal when there's no football to watch.
    Here's to all my rowdy friends!

  13. #68
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster-Dee View Post
    Skyline....sorry I assumed that you were talking about rbrooks. I guess it's because so many people have said negative things about him...and esp in re to "doom and gloom". I may be wrong, but I respect Mr. Brooks. Not personally...I don't know him, but he has been in this industry for 30 yrs and to me, his posts speak for his knowledge of the field. I'm tired of hearing about what's coming, too. That was the main intent of my post..."let's just get on with it". Do we have another member who has been in the e-waste business even half as long as he has? Do we have another member who knows most respectable buyers, processors and smelters in the USA... BY NAME (usually first name !). If you think he comes on too strong, too wordy or something about his posts have made you judge him one way or another...of course it is your right to ignore him. We all learned something from you...thank you. We could have all ignored dumbD !!

    I don't believe rbrooks or anyone else has been in the e-waste biz. for 30 years. An excerpt:

    E-waste recycling has been around, internationally speaking, since 1991, when Switzerland and some European countries started passing initiatives. In California, they passed the landmark SB 20 law in 2003. That law just got enacted January 1, 2005. So e-waste as we know it in the United States is a growing trend that has been around only since 2003, and operating since 2005.

    link to page that contains said excerpt:

    I do, however, have big respect for you and what you have to say. And you are well within your rights to read and respect him and his comments. I have no problem with that. And you're right. We could have ignored DumbD. I for one will be if and when he is allowed back. Love ya, Dee!

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  15. #69
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    AZ trying to pass new scrap laws...

    copy of both bills

    C. A scrap metal dealer shall not knowingly purchase residential or commercial air conditioner components, including evaporative and cooling coils, condensers, radiators and compressors, unless the air conditioner components are purchased from an industrial account. END_STATUTE

  16. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbrooks715 View Post
    no. i don't think the scrapping world is going to end. it is going to change. it has already started.

    You have to wonder though, that at some point MS and other states will strangle themselves with trash and scrap. I mean, if a homeowner can't get rid of their own metal, the curbside pickers can't take it, and the yards won't deal with small lots because of the bureaucracy, where will it go?<<

    some of the scrappers will become licensed. the trash service will start to collect more at curbside. the yards will cut out the free lance middlemen and replace them. there will be fewer involved. and they will all make more than they are today. less competition.

    the point, that was missed by some, is that some states have already forced every yard to follow the same laws. which means everyone who brings scrap must follow those laws or they will not accept your scrap. and you will not get paid. the scrapping world did not end. it simply changed. if you do not change with it, then scrapping has ended for you. the scrapping world will continue. someone else who has met the changes will now pick up that metal. they will get paid. (by mail.) and they will go to the bank.

    Except for the 10 day waiting period, that's just surreal.<<

    worse than this?

    oregon state law.

    The law requires recycling businesses to hold payment for any non-ferrous metal purchases for 3 business days. All payments must be issued to the customer by check and the check must be mailed to the street address provided by the customer at the time of sale.
    Qualified commercial accounts are exempt from the waiting period for non-ferrous metal payments.
    The seller is responsible to carry a completed “Metal Transportation Certificate” (MTC) when transporting scrap metal intended for sale to a recycling business. Transporting scrap metal without a completed MTC with the intent to sell is a Class C Misdemeanor.

    some of the cities are proposing a 15 day wait and that the check be mailed.

    I think we're of similar minds on this. One issue I'm finding as I talk to people is that they really don't care about scrap. To the average citizen its the same as trash, and they don't like the image of the pickup truck or grocery cart scrappers - The stereotypical bums that everyone envisions when they think of a junk man. No one wants to see them or interact with them, and any law that gets them off the streets will probably meet with public approval.

    A guy walked into O'Reillys today while I was buying some parts, drops a car battery on the counter and says "can you take this, its bad and I don't want it." That's close to $10 he just gave away! But to that guy it wasn't worth fooling with. Had I spoken up and intercepted the guy, he'd of thought I was crazy! That's what we're up against.

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  18. #71
    ScrapYaHerd started this thread.
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    Now that my thread is still on topic..........................

    I sent the company an email. The reply I got was summed up by scrap metal recyclers are coming under ever increasing scrutiny. They would hate for them of their customer to be put in cuffs it is a 3rd degree felony so they have certain items that are red flags. Here is the document he sent me.

    New Orange County Ordinance Requirements – Effective Jan 3, 2011
    You must now show proof of ownership for the following items:

    1. Manhole Covers
    2. Electric light poles or utility structures
    3. Guard Rails
    4. Street, Traffic signs, or traffic signals
    5. Utility wire including bus bars, connectors and plates
    6. Funeral markers
    7. Historical markers
    8. Railroad Equipment
    9. Any item marked with name, initials or logo of a government entity, utility company, cemetery, or railroad
    10. Air conditioner condensing or evaporator coils (excluding coils from window air conditioning units and automobiles)
    11. Propane containers for fueling forklifts
    12. Stainless steel beer kegs
    13. Catalytic converters
    14. Metallic wire that was burned to remove insulation
    15. Valves or fittings referred to as “FDC valves”
    16. Potable water backflow preventer valves
    17. Shopping carts

    Payment for the above 17 Restricted Regulated Materials

    Payment for restricted regulated material will be paid by check and mailed to the mailing address on file with the company – no post office box mailing are allowed

    Exceptions: A check may be presented at the time of purchase for
    ● Registered charities, religious, and civic organizations, ect
    ● Manufacturing, industrial, or other commercial vendors
    Proof of ownership
    ● Individuals – require bill of sale, receipt or other reasonable
    ● Employees and authorized sellers – official letter from company which
    will be valid for 90 days

    Payment for the 17 Restricted Regulated Materials

    Payment for restricted regulated material will be paid by check and mailed to the mailing address on file with the company – no post office box mailings are allowed.


    A check may be presented at the time of purchase for the following organizations:

    ● Registered charitable, philanthropic, religious, fraternal, civic, patriotic, social, or
    school-sponsored organizations or associations, or from any nonprofit corporation
    or association
    ● Law enforcement officer acting in an official capacity
    ● Trustee in bankruptcy, executor, administrator, or receiver who has presented proof
    of such status
    ● Public official acting under judicial process or authority who has presented proof of
    such status
    ● Sale or execution, or by virtue of any process issued by a court with proof of such
    ● Manufacturing, industrial, or other commercial vendor that generates regulated
    materials in the ordinary course of business

    Proof of ownership can be validated by:

    Individual – receipt or bill or bill of sale or other reasonable proof

    If the seller is an employee, agent, or contractor of a governmental entity, utility company, cemetery, railroad, manufacturer or other person, business or entity owning the property and that the seller is authorized to sell the item of regulated metal property on behalf of the person, business, or the entity owning the property, then Orlando Scrap Metal Recycling must retain on file an official document on the letterhead of the entity, indicating that the Seller is authorized to sell the regulated metal property; however, such letter must be dated within 90 days of the transaction.

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  20. #72
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Now that you're thread is still on topic..................

    Dude, you've already been given advice in more ways than one. Apparently you're causing your own problems here. Take the best advice given here. FIND ANOTHER YARD AND MOVE FORWARD!!!!

  21. #73
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    He's just reporting back on why they declined his scrap. Now we all know.

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