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Scrap place in town won't take my loads

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    ScrapYaHerd started this thread.
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    Scrap place in town won't take my loads

    About 6 months ago I tried to take a load into this place I had visited in the past and they turned me away.
    Now keep in mind this place only takes non ferrous items but they tend to pay the highest prices in town. On this day I had a load of shred for the place across the street that does take ferrous. I also had my normal small amount of aluminum, copper, batteries, and stainless that I was going to take here to get more $$. On this week I happened to find an air handler curbside. It was a very small unit but I stripped it all down I started to unload and when I pulled out the evaporator coils the guy freaked out and tells me he doesn't know me and that he can't accept anything and I have to leave. Keep in mind I have never stolen anything in my life, I drive a new vehicle and I don't have the appearance of a junkie so I'm pretty pissed at this point and say F this place I'm never trying to come back. I go across the street and cash in all my stuff for less $$ at the place that accepts ferrous with no questions or issues. I told them what went on next door and they said county law requires written proof if the coils weighed 20lbs or more they only weighed 12. This place now became my routine yard.

    Fast forward to today. I have been hoarding non ferrous and prices seemed decent so I decided I'd cash in. I call my routine place and they are closed until Tuesday. I call the other place I have used before a few miles away for prices. I have noticed lately they are offering a good bit less than other yards and they used to be competitive priced. I also noticed a truck from my normal yard there doing pickups, after getting prices from both and they were offering way less which leads me to believe they are selling to my routine yard for the same price I can.

    This left me without a yard so I decided to call the one who "refused" my load last time. They are offering 2.80 for copper when the other two were 2.60, and 2.20 so I figured shoot let me give them a try again. I pulled up and it took a second for the guy to walk out, he asks me what I got I told him a variety of things. He takes a look in the back of my truck and spots a stainless steel panel box cover. He asks where I got it and I explained I have a friend in the commercial fire suppression business and they re-do/update systems all the time and it came from him. He tells me I need to get a letter in writing I say sure no problem I will bring it back next time with a letter lets unload the rest. He tells me sorry I'm here by myself today the boss told me to use my judgement and I can't accept anything from you.

    This is the same thing I was told last time by a different employee, and as far as I know there is no law about stainless steel weights and ownership. I also called one day because it says on the website they buy circuit boards and was told they do not. Is business really that good where they refuse the small load guys? What is everyone else take on this?

  2. #2
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Talk to his boss, find out why they will not take your load and what you need to do next time so they will take it.

  3. #3
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    That seems pretty heavy!

    And the price they are paying is weak.

    It would seem they think you are stealing your scrap.
    Your post does give me a idea though.....
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
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  4. #4
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    this is going to become common. the states are going to hold the yards liable for the material they accept. which means you will have to provide the necessary documents to sell to them.

    it will only get worse.

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  6. #5
    ScrapYaHerd started this thread.
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    The first time I ever brought in a scrap load the boss of this place taught me everything he could in the time I was there, explained how they pay more than other places, etc. I left with a real good feeling. Then I went back and my load was refused by the boss so talking to him isn't going to help. 85% of my scrap is curbside/dumpster so I can't get letters for it all. I feel as though I'm too small of a guy and they like big loads they can instantly make money on, so they make this up to send me on my way, the only two pieces of stainless I had today was a sink and this panel cover.

  7. #6
    ScrapYaHerd started this thread.
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    I also brought in a few aluminum co2 cylinder without valves to this place and was never asked for a letter, and those can be owned/leased and stolen.

  8. #7
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    sounds like it may be their problem and not yours. meaning. the spotlite is on nonfaris yards to begin with, secoundly sounds like the microscope may be on them for buying tweeker loads in the past.

    just like in the junk car bis almost every crusher I know will buy untitled cars, that is untill they get caught a time or two, at that point YOU will undergo an anal exam every time you sell them a car because they are under going a colonostiphy from the regulators.

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  10. #8
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbrooks715 View Post
    this is going to become common. the states are going to hold the yards liable for the material they accept. which means you will have to provide the necessary documents to sell to them.

    it will only get worse.
    It's okay Mr Brooks calm down, it's going to be okay. You are starting to bring on panic attacks with each new stressed out post.
    I think you mean well but come on man how much reg bashing can we read about? We get it, you feel we are losing our rights.

    This is not a normal action that he is posting about. Something unforeseen here.

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  12. #9
    ScrapYaHerd started this thread.
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    All my scrap cash gets saved. I'm to the point now where I could afford to purchase materials however now I'm afraid I'll get stuck with things I can't get rid of. If I purchase scrap and get a letter does every single item need to be listed, or can it be general? This seems like a headache to me for those people who think scrap is trash want it gone and don't want to waste time writing an itemized letter.

  13. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    It's okay Mr Brooks calm down, it's going to be okay. You are starting to bring on panic attacks with each new stressed out post.
    I think you mean well but come on man how much reg bashing can we read about? We get it, you feel we are losing our rights.

    This is not a normal action that he is posting about. Something unforeseen here.
    actually, it will become a normal action.

    which in the above case it was a repetition of a past occurrence. it happened 6 months ago and happened again. not unforeseen nor abnormal.

    according to what the op has stated this a typical occurrence at that specific yard.

    i am already licensed, registered, bonded and insured in several states according their specific and individual requirements. my comments are about those who are not and the problems they are going to continue to encounter.

    and how to over come those problems.

    wait till some cop, epa or dnr agent reads the regs to you. as they write that nice ticket. or confiscate your rig.

    being uninformed or blind to the laws pertaining to this business will not stop those laws from being applied. they are just as integral to the business as procuring the material.

    as illustrated by the op's post, those laws are more important. if you can not sell your material, what good is it doing you.

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  15. #11
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Mr brooks getting the word out is great but you are not offering solutions or where to get legal you just keep dredging up how we are all doomed to fall to the side.

    This is not a political forum it is a scrap metal forum.

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  17. #12
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    there was a time when every single person was in business for them selves in this country, but that time has been forgotten and it wasent that long ago.

  18. #13
    ScrapYaHerd started this thread.
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    I didn't mean to get everyone in a huff, but a main point I forgot to mention. The first time the boss refused my load he actually told me "go across the street they will help you no problem". This is why I get pissed off and I'm perplexed. I guess that is the great thing about having your own business you can deal with whoever you want.

  19. #14
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    The Orlando YArds

    There a reason you like to use the yards out towards Bithlo? Im getting the same prices on copper and better from the yards on forsyth. I tried out the first yard you were talking about and had the same thing happen with a few A/C handlers i had sitting in the garage. Long story short i never went back. funny thing i never knew there was another yard across the street.

  20. #15
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    you will have to find out if it is a city, county or state requirement. what department is in charge of licensing. is more than license required. are there any special permits required. what are the parameters and criteria. you know, ask.

    when you go into the local yard, how many various licenses do they have on the wall. how many of those should you have. how many apply to your material.

    more to the point of the op's post. he is trying to get the most for his material. the yard that pays the most has requirements. ask what they are and then determine if you are going to be able to meet them.

    what the op found was that the yard is being required to follow certain laws. and they are not trying to get around them. they are going to apply them to everyone. the yard is not questioning if anyone is honest. they are simply following the law. which means either you comply or you can not sell.

    you can ignore it. but all the drama in the world will not change any of that.

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  22. #16
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    Guys, please don't let every thread become political. There are a dozen other forums I can go to for that, and its not why I'm here.

    Regarding the letter of authorization - Fake It.

  23. #17
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronPirate View Post
    Guys, please don't let every thread become political. There are a dozen other forums I can go to for that, and its not why I'm here.

    Regarding the letter of authorization - Fake It.
    Don't have to worry about politics now that you just went and played the Ethical Card...Waay ta Go.
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  25. #18
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    Now we're back on track.

    What's unethical? Pick up scrap. Give scrap to your brother or cousin. They now own it. you pay them $1 and they give it back to you with a bill of sale. Problem solved. What is ownership, really?

    See what I did there?

  26. #19
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Heard on the radio today that GA legislature is considering requiring a license. But they interviewed the President of the Scrap Metal Association and he said (I paraphrase)scrappers should not be punished because there are thieves in the world. The thieves should be punished and now they hardly ever get jail time. That needs to change in order to deter some of them.

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  28. #20
    ScrapYaHerd started this thread.
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    Dunemaul the other scrap yard I used to go to on foresyth/hanging moss is the one that has recently lowered prices .5-.15 /lb because I assume they now have a new local buyer E and H car crushing which is the place I normally go and is across the street from this problem yard. It seems that someone else buys the copper in the area because E and H copper price is the only price lower than 888 recycle on forsyth/hanging moss. Have you tried the new place on forsythe? I live closer to bithlo but work closer to forsyth so it all works for me.

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