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I doubled my money by reading your stories!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    thortek started this thread.
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    I doubled my money by reading your stories!

    Ok, so I have a buddy that works for a Car stereo Distribution warehouse. they are clearing out a building of "parts units" stuff that broke, and they kept for parts. And they had several shelves of blown subwoofers.

    The woofers I planned to take with my pc cases tomorrow to the yard.

    I was planning on taking the car stereos to my Ewaste recycler. They pay $0.05 a pound for vcrs and car stereo stuff. The yard is paying approx $0.10 a pound (If not more) for steel...DUH!!! I can't believe I almost made such a rookie mistake!!!!

    You guys just doubled my money on about 100 #'s !!! I'll post pictures tomorrow...

    I didn't pull the voicecoils on the speakers becasue after doing 1..I realized it was way too much work, These are 3,000 watt competition speakers, and the woofer is plastic and rubber, not paper and neoprene like regular woofers, the spider on the woofer is rubber too. too much work for a small return overall. At least this time. I need the space tomorrow. I have two fairly large pick ups to make, and need the floor space in my garage!
    “Most people miss opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work .” ― Thomas A. Edison

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    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    The backs on some serious subs and woofers are cast alum, might just run a quick magnet over them. Also the heatsinks on hi-powered stereo's will be cast alum and usually amplifier cases, most are alum also because of heat.
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    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    yeah pull the extruded off and put the case back on and throw it into the steel pile. i really hate yards that have e-scrap compnets less the steel prices, i mean if u want use to separate it for you was the motivation,.Loose money?

  6. #4
    thortek started this thread.
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    I checked the baskets and these were magnetic. This was a big one off load I think, but hey I probably has 100# of pc cases no biggee , but with all of the other I ended up with 800# of no. 2 shred.

    Now I understand the shred pile better!

    I will be splitting the aluminum and copper off of heats inks and such and selling that locally as I think Ill get more than from a typical ewaste recycler.

  7. #5
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    thor, does your yard give you extruded price for heat sinks ?

  8. #6
    thortek started this thread.
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    I don't know. I am just getting started really.

    We shall see! I have a huge tub of wires I scabbed out from the install kits on the stereos too. This will be the first time I sell copper. I have install wire, phone cords, some coax, I'm interested to see what they do with it all. I can afford to "Spend/Lose" a little to get some education.

    I sorted some boards out last night too. Excited to take a real load to an ewaste buyer!

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