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well...that's the end of the month.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    well...that's the end of the month.

    Only made $200 profit this month some new toys...have a brand new pallet scale heading this way,

    welder, more power tools, another full time hand, one trailer upgrade, a suv..most likely will sell, new bins, metal gaylord boxes.

    Things I still need to get...forklift

    Things I need to replace and or fix,

    Truck motor in my diesel seems like it will be die on me...have someone looking at it tomorrow...will have a better idea then on what I may or may not do...but I found a brand new motor online for the truck that will cost me 4grand...but its been fully rebuilt so I should not have to worry about replacing it or fixing it if I go down that road.

    Now...I am do have 3 gaylord boxes of boards and 5pallets of computers I still need to brake down that I got this month...but I will see that money next month if I get a load out or not lol.

    Still have a good bit of money sitting in my bank account so all is still good...just thought I would drop a few lines since I have not been on here in a few....but I am hoping to make another video on my warehouse shortly for anyone who keeps an eye on my youtube page.
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  2. #2
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Well may not seem like much of a profit, but considering all the new stuff you have acquired, sounds like you had a productive month regardless.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  3. #3
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Well may not seem like much of a profit, but considering all the new stuff you have acquired, sounds like you had a productive month regardless.
    Yes it has been. Every one has had there pay checks and everything is paid off. Its just that at the end of the day when tally everything up is was alittle shorter than what I was hoping but...its a profit and not a loss so thats all good.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyrecycle View Post
    Yes it has been. Every one has had there pay checks and everything is paid off. Its just that at the end of the day when tally everything up is was alittle shorter than what I was hoping but...its a profit and not a loss so thats all good.
    Yes, anytime you see GREEN and not RED, that is always a good day!

  5. #5
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    And with all the new tools next month you should be able to process that much more.

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  7. #6
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Yes, anytime you see GREEN and not RED, that is always a good day!
    Yup...just cut it kinda close...well I am off to bed...night ya'll

  8. #7
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    get two opinions on that truck motor
    I hate to see anyone spend that much coin on parts!

  9. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Truck motor in my diesel seems like it will be die on me...have someone looking at it tomorrow...will have a better idea then on what I may or may not do...but I found a brand new motor online for the truck that will cost me 4grand...but its been fully rebuilt so I should not have to worry about replacing it or fixing it if I go down that road.
    Is that truck a Ford?
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  10. #9
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    I would suggest a new truck I finally stopped throwing money at my old truck last Friday. 2002 f-150 193,000 miles I had the cats going out again second time in less then a year traded it in got a hell of a deal and walked out of the dealership with a new 2011 f-150 lariat. I would suggest you look for new a 2011 f-350 is the exact same as a 2012 no difference at all and the deals are to be had since they are on clearance for 2012 or find a good used one 60,000 miles on a diesel is nothing and u can get it for under 30,000. I am just glad I am not throwing money down a hole anymore.

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  12. #10
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    Yeah but now you making a payment so no difference really.

  13. #11
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Is that truck a Ford?
    Yup its a ford....thinking of gutting her and dropping a Cummings if I have to rebuild the motor.

    Quote Originally Posted by Focker View Post
    Yeah but now you making a payment so no difference really.
    Thats why I love to stick with the older buy a old junker with a good her dead if she is not all ready dead and then drop a new motor and tranny up under her and you will be good to go.

    This is a f350 4door (the LARGE back seat) 8foot bed with some upgrades. So if I change the motor and trans over to a Cummings and do the work right it wont cost that much...New motor down here in Texas is like 3grand and rebuilt trans from a friend of mine will cost me like 600....not bad if you ask me.

  14. #12
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    This is a f350 4door (the LARGE back seat) 8foot bed with some upgrades. So if I change the motor and trans over to a Cummings and do the work right it wont cost that much...New motor down here in Texas is like 3grand and rebuilt trans from a friend of mine will cost me like 600....not bad if you ask me.
    That's the same setup my old Chevy camperhauler was and if my friend/neighbor had not gotten badly sick, we were going to swap a Mercedes 6 cyl (with baby turbo) and a 6 speed out of a box truck in a junkyard. It only had 90, some thousand miles on the truck, and they drove it into the yard to part. I had the package bought for $700.00. We were going to use a combination on the motor mounts. My truck was already a diesel so it already had the h.d.radiator/dual batt./fuel pump setup.

  15. #13
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    That's the same setup my old Chevy camperhauler was and if my friend/neighbor had not gotten badly sick, we were going to swap a Mercedes 6 cyl (with baby turbo) and a 6 speed out of a box truck in a junkyard. It only had 90, some thousand miles on the truck, and they drove it into the yard to part. I had the package bought for $700.00. We were going to use a combination on the motor mounts. My truck was already a diesel so it already had the h.d.radiator/dual batt./fuel pump setup.
    Thing when it comes to a diesel truck....its always best to rebuild them until you can get a new body on the cheap...them motors last a good bit of time and when they just find a new block. I am thinking of having the inside of the truck updated and the outside repainted and make it look all brand new. A shop next to me does that kind of work and he told me it could cost around 6grand for all new paint (under body to) and new seats dash and ect all done up.

  16. #14
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    It sure is nice to wake up and not worry if your going to make it to the jobsite or not I would have had to drop 1500 in it to get it to pass mo. Safety inspection in April. I cant see pouring money into a ten year old truck the only thing its going to have is problems I held on to it for to long as it is. Remember your vehicle only gets better or worse you have to figure out when its taking that turn for the worse and mine was at that point. I am not concerned about the payments I am more impressed with the new features in the truck heated/ac seats Eco boost better gas mileage and my gf feels safe driving with the newborn in it and that alone is worth the money every month till its paid off. Gotta make sure the the third generation scrapper makes it to be old enough to process scrap and surpass his old man.

  17. #15
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Know that feeling but the newer trucks can't run 100% bio fuels...or..not that I know of and we use (during warm months) 100% pure bio fuels both as a cost cutting and to help keep the earth green (no one says you cant save some green for both earth and your wallet)

    That...and a new truck I would be to worried to put a scratch or a dent in.

    Now....I will be working on a side project sooner or later....a 1969 mustang fast back jet black (wet) look paint job with 2011 maybe 2012 interior and a nice motor to round everything up....that will be my baby.

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  19. #16
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    Haha..I have always been a truck guy...but i have to admit. I do have a beat up jalopy that I usually drive other than my 2003 Dodge ram. A beautiful 98 honda civic coupe. 1.6L of pure power. haha. OH yeah I am 6'6". I like the 30+ mpg and don't really care about the look of it.

  20. #17
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    Missed what I was trying to get too, I would love to have an older car like that. Maybe I will save up.

  21. #18
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    You can get them cheap around here in dallas as there are so many people who saved the old cars...I can get a good rolling mustang for around 2grand that would be easy to with a bad motor as I would do a 100% rebuild on the motor anyway so buying one with a dead motor means I will get it cheaper.

    If you want to go with cheap fuel....get your self a nice motorcycle...they are fun to drive and mess around on. I had a nice one for a good bit until I sold it...still have my leathers for when it rains tho lol.

  22. #19
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    Still can't understand dumping 6000 grand interior and paint and 4000 for a motor thats 10 grand for a beater truck. You are concerned about scratches but are talking about painting it that made me laugh sorry. I am not scared of scratching my truck I bought it to work in it not live in it. You really should start a poll asking peoples opinion on dumping 10000 into an old truck or using that as a down payment for something much newer with way less miles on it. Vegetable oil is great but the kits are still expensive and that's even more money you are spending to upgrade an old truck. I guess it just doesn't make sense to me but its your money not mine. Either way I hope you make a good choice and it turns out for the best no one I know likes to spend money on top of money heck sometimes I feel like I should put my money in a pile and burn it but that is only on days when I feel like I lose money which really doesn't happen but if i don't get pissed at myself who is going to I work for myself.

  23. #20
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    I know where you are coming from on that...but i was thinking on painting it bed liner so I wont worry about scratches

    The thing with the older diesel motors you don't have to use "kits" to make them run on pure veg oil or even 100% bio diesel...they will "just work"

    On another note....older diesel you don't have to get emissions testing.

    Insurance is cheaper than on a newer truck

    You have more freedom on adding or removing items.

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