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  1. #1
    decjr2006 started this thread.
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    accidently threw about 100 lbs of copper in the shred pile this morning :(

    me and a freind bought an old junk camper yesterday for about 200$ took it in for scrap did not have the time or feel the need to break it down. got 900 for it so we were both happy. Returned to the yard later with 2 loads after a short auction and saw a nice pile of what looked like copper roofing laying between the steel pile and there warehouse. inquired about it and the equipment operator pointed to the steel pile with a smirk on his face. First thought that came to my mind was what kind of idiot would throw all that in the shred pile. then he went on to say he was " pulling something apart and it was on the bottom" we then realized he was talking about our camper...... I have never heard of anything like this before, Where there some that were actually built this way to keep them from rusting underneath or did some crazy fool actually put this thing on a lift and attach copper sheeting to it to preserve it?

  2. #2
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    I smell Bull****....better get the **** kickers out, it's getting deep.! But in all seriousness, maybe, who knows....

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  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I used to work in the camper industry quite a few years ago and knowing some of the owners I don't see anyway a company would have used any of that. It's all about the money, h*ll for awhile they even used alum wire and were forced by lawsuits to change back after the campers/mobile homes started catching fire. I think he was BS'ing you.
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  5. #4
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    I have seen copper flashing on very old (40's) trailers where the frame and body meet, but never under the whole floor ( and I have junked many of them). What was the brand??

  6. #5
    decjr2006 started this thread.
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    i dont remember the brand unfortunatley might now it later today. im starting to think it was either a harry homeowner thing or just bs like ozzy said

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  8. #6
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    I used to help out a buddy that worked at a camper dealership doing repairs. Never saw any copper other than wiring in them. Like it was stated above they are built as cheap as possible and mostly out of plywood and thin sheet aluminum.

    The only thing I can think of is that the plywood floor was rotted through and somebody patched it up using a roll of copper flashing they had lying around.........

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to G_P for This Post:

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