Hit the streets this Mon , & it's just empty out , I did find a AL grill & 2 TV's , just looking at the neatness of the curb I can tell the new law in the land. I could go and look around on the specified day when other material is out . But not sure if i should ask the local police as if i do then i have to obey as that will be the warning - or just play dumb and get the warning after I reap some rewards.
I see one thing I will have to get a , as the saying goes get a real job as per the public EYE. or create a real metal business . Regardless I will always be a scraper , & always be on the look out for the mother load . These past few years & my being a part of this forum has made me a better person . I have created a severance reserve & i will always find little here & there . Now I will sign off with this post as i have to push on to a fresh start with my metal knowledge.