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eBay buyers can't read

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    IdahoScrapper started this thread.
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    eBay buyers can't read

    So I scrapped my van just before Christmas. I pulled a few parts off to sell, including the window latches.

    I sold one on Jan 7th and promptly shipped it out. About a week later I get a phone call (they left a VM), saying they bought the wrong one and would like a refund or exchange.

    I get sidetracked and never got back with him.

    2nd latch sells on Jan 20th. I ship it out. Today I get an email.

    "hi, i recently bought this for a friend that needed the part...i think he made the error and bought the driver side rather than the passenger side. i know you dont take returns, and I know it was not your error, but he paid for the wrong part..( said that he thought left ment passenger side...)anyways im a seller so i know how frustrating things like this can be so if you can help out that would be great. if you have the passenger side than i can send this one back...or if we could send back for partial refund or something that would be cool too...sorry to bother..."

    Not sure what to tell this person. It's not my fault they can't read the listing which states what window the latch fits. Nissan in their infinite non wisdom decided they should make 4 different latches for 4 pop out windows, so I made it clear in the listing.

    I especially like how this person that he was buying it for thought the left side of the vehicle meant passenger. Really?!

    Curious how you would handle this? Do I need to dumb my ads down even further?

    I even had the thought of pictures of the vehicle with the window circled that the latch would fit when I did my listings, but I never got around to it.

  2. #2
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    That's just how e-bay is....take the refund and get the item back but don't pay the full amount like they said and have them send the part back. When listing something for a auto say the drive front blank or driver back blank and so on. Because if you are in the car the left is....on the left but if you are out of the car and standing in the front looking at it...the right is now the left.

    In short some buyers on ebay are just not smart and wont read the whole just have to deal with them the best you lease this ebayer knows its not your fault its there and will take a part of a refund.
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  3. #3
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Yeah, you have to dumb it down like crazy.

  4. #4
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    I've had three issues the last month with idiot ebay buyers. Not a lot you can do but either stand your ground when you are correct and hope you don't get negative feedback, or bend over and take it by giving a refund and keeping your feedback hopefully perfect. I've lost over $100 this month because of knuckleheads having incredible expectations or the inability to read simple listings. Sadly its the cost of doing business on there anymore. When when they took away the seller's ability to leave negative feedback for bad buyers it instantly changed things, putting the ball in the buyer's court, and many of the buyers don't even know the rules.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    Yeah, you have to dumb it down like crazy.
    Yup, sadly I agree. I try to write my listings almost as if I'm addressing a 3rd grader because if you don't spell everything out someone will either try to take advantage or not pay attention at all. I had a guy leave me negative feedback because I sold an old MP3 player without connector wires (described as such) and he left negative feedback because there was nothing to connect it to a computer. He also threatened me though, so I was able to get it removed.

    Also many people are using the ebay mobile app to buy things and it is horrible.... it only shows a small snippit of the description. There have been a huge rash of buyers who do not go out of their way to get the whole description and just bid based on the picture not reading that important details of the item, then are pissed off when it shows up with a flaw that was clearly described but they never read about.

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  7. #6
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    To make your life easier going forward I would list similar parts saying something like "Note: Nissan built these vans with four different window latches. This latch will only fit the FRONT, DRIVER'S SIDE window." Something like that is clear and to the point and is a little less ambiguous than saying left or right and sends a clear message to buyer that they need the specific latch.

  8. #7
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    have him return the part plus pay for second shipping

  9. #8
    IdahoScrapper started this thread.
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    I looked at my listing again. I stated it was for the left side in the title, and in description I stated it's for the drivers side. Should have stated drivers on both.

    Will try to figure out how to dumb it down even further for the future.

    BTW all my listings show items are not refundable. But like it's been said, people refuse to read listings.

  10. #9
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Hey was the buyer from Europe? That could throw a curve! LOL
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  11. #10
    IdahoScrapper started this thread.
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    haha. The 1st buyer is from Michigan. The 2nd is from California.

  12. #11
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    The 2nd is from California.
    Everything is "Left" in Cali.
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  14. #12
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    In my "real" self, I would personally tell this person to %@!^% off! However, I sell on ebay as well...and as much as my tongue bleeds at times I have to keep in mind that they are in fact a customer. I know it's technically an auction site, but let's be honest, we as sellers are trying to make money, and therefore are a business...albeit a small one, but one nonetheless. If we bought a part at (enter preferred auto parts store here) and it was the wrong part due to our error, we would try to return it with a receipt. So in short LOL, I would accept the return--with them paying return postage--and repost it, and then dumb it down unfortunately. I feel ya man!

  15. #13
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    Idahoscrapper all the dumb people in the world can't describe how dumb eBay buyers are. I don't know how long you've been selling on eBay but if you're getting sales on eBay then you're pretty much doing everything right and no matter how much you try to dumb down your ad an eBay dummy will always show his face. Now my advice to you is to keep your eye on the prize and don't let 1 or 2 sorry customers destroy your eBay business and remember the old saying the customer is always right!(Even though they are wrong) so to make a long story short have them ship the item back to you(Shipping paid by them) once you receive item give them a refund and make sure eBay refunds your fees, PayPal automatically credits the fees. Also another thing I have done is offer to let them keep the item provided you give them a partial refund that you determine is fair and I always call eBay or PayPal to let them know about this agreement. Good luck!
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  16. #14
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    haha. The 1st buyer is from Michigan. The 2nd is from California.
    Oh I see. But wait is it a Nissan special edition mail truck with steering on other side?

    They don't want me on ebay, selling or buying! Seems like you have to kiss a$$ to there every little complaint or you will feel the wrath of the negative feedback!

  17. #15
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    I've only had to give one refund so far, knock on wood. Paypal automatically refunds the fees to you, Ebay makes it a PITA tho.

  18. #16
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    I would tell them to read....that is what they got. Period.
    And if they kept it up...tell them to pound sand.
    We are talking about a door handle, right.
    Shipping costs more than it is worth.
    If they give you bad review just explain that they can not read or comprehend.
    Wait to use the "Stupid" word.

  19. #17
    brandon's Avatar
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    Contact both buyers, have them send you the parts back, if both agree to send you the parts back, once you recieve the parts, forward the parts to the correct buyer.
    I know PTS will have something to say about the legalities of this. lol

  20. #18
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    Brandon that is actually a brilliant idea, certainly one of the best I've heard!

  21. #19
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    I would tell them sorry parts are sold as is where is.Not your fault they bought the wrong part.Also as long as you have your feedback your good to go.

  22. #20
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    I would offer them both a partial refund if they ship the items back to you. than just resell them. Make sure the refund you give you keep enuff to pay for the fees and shipping then you are out nothing but your time.

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