Hot dog, I love getting lucky!
I emailed a guy off craigslist that had a bunch of vinyl records. At first, I was going to get them and sell them for cash, as I know a place that buys them. Then I thought about my father in law, and since he just did a lot of work on my truck, I decided to give him all of them, as a way to say thanks, along with the cash that I owe.
So, anyways, I inform the guy that I have a pickup to do at a church in fairfax for
scrap metal, and electronic recycling items, so I will be there late morning, or early afternoon tomorrow, then he emails me back, to inform me that would be great, and asks me this following question!
Would you like a box of electronic recyclables, too? Laptop computers, speakers, laptop batteries, wireless routers, etc.? If so, I will put it out as well, marked as such.
Never be afraid to explain anything to anyone (in this case, I was explaining the reason why I wouldnt be there till tomorrow afternoon), as sometimes it does pay off!
I do get told that I am a jabber mouth, but like I tell everyone, it comes in handy!