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Another day at another farm cutting cars

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    Another day at another farm cutting cars

    I just cut up a 69 firebird. needed to roll it over to pull the engine and trans. Did it nothing more than a 4500 winch and my little 4x6 trailer and a winch. As I keep saying where there is will, there is way.

    Sad thing is the back half was only 800lbs and some change. Hopefully the front will be a 1000 lbs and I will sell the engine. The reason for cutting in half is it was literally sunk right in the ground. I only have 2wd and the winch wasn't pulling it out in piece, so I cut it in half with the sawzall. Was able to get it out then. Funniest thing I contracted a rollback to get it out and he almost got stuck. He couldn't get close enough. So I did what I had to. Better off as I wanted the rear and what not out.

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  2. #2
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    P.s that guy aint me, just a friend helping. Im hiding my ugly butt behind the camera. oh btw way. That push bumper I didnt build, but she holds nice. Some moron lady was in the left lane and she was supposed to yield/merge into my lane, the right one. Well she tried to outrun me and went right into me with a little Honda. The truck just lurched a tiny bit and held her ground. Even the cop was laughing....

  3. #3
    corycouch's Avatar
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    ozzy these guys are gonna kill you when they see that car like that ill take a day off to come to ur funeral, on a positve note id love to get that many cars in one spot to work on, we have gotten 3 in one spot of course ours all had wheels you can make some serious $ like that rather than runnilng all round town
    Last edited by corycouch; 02-17-2012 at 06:28 AM.

  4. #4
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    Yep that was me. I had a total of 8 and one rv in one place. Sold 2, scrapped 2 more. rest Im sitting on or cutting up. A rv Winnebago is next muhaha. Too bad I cant find a buyer for the engine...413 big block with a 727

    Nah nothing to cry about, anything that could be used was saved, rest was scrapped.

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  6. #5
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    You the man. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  7. #6
    ilovejunk's Avatar
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    grille, headligt surrounds, fr turn signals, front valance, Quarter window, please tell me you pulled those, those parts with original date stamps are worth way more than scrap obviously the roof skin was still structurally sound and could have been sold, this kind of stuff is what is ruining the antique car hobby, are you at least advertising these cars before you cut them up, look up the #'s 69 firebirds in disgusting condition are worth more than scrap value.

    not trying to offend but man a junk 70's or 80's firebird chop away but not a first gen.

    little research might help

    seemingly stupid parts such as the license plate light and horn shown below sell for about half what you got for the chunk you hauled of and crushed
    Last edited by ilovejunk; 02-17-2012 at 05:08 PM.

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  9. #7
    brandon's Avatar
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    ^^^^^^^ I agree

  10. #8
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    Strange, I thought all the V8 cars that year came with front disc brakes.

  11. #9
    ilovejunk's Avatar
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    no disk brakes were not necessarily a given on f-bodies until the 2nd gen, that's one big reason why so many wound up wrapped around telephone poles on backroads.

    or it was a factory 6 cylinder which makes the car rare as well since firebirds used a pontiac only OHC six cylinder
    Last edited by ilovejunk; 02-17-2012 at 07:07 PM.

  12. #10

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    Wow, that sucks that it was in the ground. The frame was probably all rotted out so don't feel bad for cutting it in half. I also think you need new tires on your truck.

  13. #11
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    look at the cuts in the rocker channels the quarters and floorpans had rotted but the structure was still there, it was still a viable parts car, not cut and crush material.

  14. #12
    newattitude's Avatar
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    I'm just in awe that a sawzall can cut up a car!

  15. #13
    corycouch's Avatar
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    """"""ozzy these guys are gonna kill you when they see that car like that ill take a day off to come to ur funeral"""""""

    ozzy i hate to tell you told you so can you guys let me know when to schedule a vacation day

  16. #14
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    Oh the horror!!

    By the way the bumper is actually pretty cool - it looks art deco

  17. #15
    forwardlookguy's Avatar
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    Dude, I can understand cutting up some of the 70s and 80s stuff if it's real bad, but a '69 Firebird in ANY condition would surely bring more than scrap price. That whole car could have been parted out at the very least. Was there nothing else to start on first? Either you are not a car guy or you are a little over zealous. Although not as popular as the Camaros, the Firebirds are still worth a LOT of money to restorers. Just look at the auction links ilovejunk posted! That's your money right there! I see so many parts off that car that were junked for no reason. I think if you were to do a little more research, you'd make a LOT more money. Now, STOP CRUSHING CLASSICS!

  18. #16
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    Ok this is the deal. I will say it once and that's it. Ebay/'Paypal royally f+"++++ with no vaseline once. I had a mob/cpu combo listed with pictures of it up and running, loading bios, windows. I had it set up on a pizza box as it was caseless. It was specifically stated that this is in working condition as seen in the pictures. No returns will be accepted due to people sending back their burned out unit in replacement or burning it out on install. Sold as is. Well Paypal sided with buyer....refunded him his money, and reamed me hard. On top of it the USPS receipt said it was delivered, but yet I never got it. post Office couldnt explain why, where, and even why it was delivered without signature. That really frosted my ass. So I shut down selling and buying from Ebay. I tried to list things for 2 months with no bites locally. The man in the pic bought the entire car from me for a set price. We tried wreckers, everything to get it out. Hard to explain, but the position of the car, a ditch in front of it and a 48 ft storage trailer in front, we couldnt get it out in piece. plus a mud slick hill to drive up to the ditch in front of it. He wanted me to refund him his money, but I stated I sold as is where is with as much help as I could give him. So after some arguing we came to the agreement he could take whatever he wanted and I keep the rest. So I cut it in half and drug it out in 2 pieces.

    Im well aware I could have made some extra money piecing things out, but I refuse to deal with Ebay anymore. No hits for anything. So away she went. Did save the engine and may have it sold as a core, not sure yet. But I also face the storage issue. Im not paying 45.00 a month for storage to pray something sells.

    Also, most people nowadays are lazy. I have contacted supposed people who will sell things on Ebay for you with commission % as payment. Out of 10 within 200 miles, no one ever bit.

    I mean come on. I saved some really funky stuff like a vacuum tube tester that plugs into the wall, but locally it does not sell. Now if someone locally to me wants to make some money selling some stuff on Ebay, pm me. I'm sure we could work something out.
    Hell I been trying to sell a 1965-66 Pontiac Bonneville catalina for 2 months. Its a nice 2 door...body seems good. noone wants it and its complete.
    Last edited by ozzy214; 02-18-2012 at 05:40 PM.

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  20. #17
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Hell I been trying to sell a 1965-66 Pontiac Bonneville catalina for 2 months. Its a nice 2 door...body seems good. noone wants it and its complete.
    So which one is it, a Bonneville or a Catalina? The Bonneville is the top of the line and the Catalina is the second tier. Both should bring a grand easy just seeing what I could in the pic.
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  21. #18
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    Ozzy, PM sent

  22. #19
    forwardlookguy's Avatar
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    I know it seems like we're all jumping down your throat but it's just hard to see something like that get cut up. I know that you will do what you have to do but I (among others) were just trying to suggest alternate ways of doing things. I've been burnt on ebay as well but I've made far more on ebay than I have scrapping things as of recently so I can't complain. Depending on when all of this ebay business happened to you, you may want to give it another shot. I understand electronics can be tricky to sell on ebay. I've had a few things get damaged in shipment and I still had to refund money, but old car parts are a little easier. Take detailed pictures, list with an accurate description and you'll sell it. Those headlight surrounds could have gone for $5 a piece easily, way more than scrap value based on weight. I mean even the side windows could have sold on there if they weren't hazy or cracked. Patience is a virtue! If you have a little patience, we'll all be happy. No more classics will be meaninglessly cut up with good parts still on them and you'll make more money! Just a thought!

    But in the end, you've got to do what you've got to do!

  23. #20
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    Ozz I have to agree with you on cutting up the car....I sold classic car parts on evil-bay exclusively for almost 3 yrs and it has died since 08. The fees/paypal scams are terrible to deal with and stuff just doesn't move anymore. I see society in such bad shape that the "working guy" who used to have a few $$ for projects is trying to keep food on the table and a roof over his head with that money. With gas pushing $4.00 the muscle car/big truck era is reserved for the wealthy. Parts sell if there is someone with a car that actually can afford to fix it. I have 2 large garages full of parts that will probably get scrapped since I can't give the stuff away. Giving the parts away is a bitter pill since you have to pull the part,clean it, store it for how long? Times have changed and most young folks just see cars as a burden since they suffer from high unemployment coupled with dim prospects....I would have handled that clean up the same way with that level of equipment. Good job and hopefully a good payday!

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