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I love how it all adds up!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    IronPirate started this thread.
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    I love how it all adds up!

    Cleaning out my storage building and this was the second to last load of junk - a stinky fridge and oven my renters destroyed, another old fridge, bunch of florescent units, junk car parts...I thought I didn't have much. Ended up almost filling the trailer and went across the scales with 1500lbs of shredder food.

    The yard I was at today only pays "clean" and "unclean" for metal, not HMS or cast, etc. But at 240/ton for unclean I can't complain too much. Saved my copper, motors, and insulated wire for later.

    Still have a couple heavy pieces for next week, gonna need to take the forklift with me. (Big liftgate, couple engines).

    Definitely enjoyed the work today but now I'm sore!

  2. #2
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Isn't it crazy when you think you have lower weight than you actually do?!! Congrats, your stink paid today! lol!

  3. #3
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    Clean and unclean lol I would have laughed at them and rolled out. I am surprised they don't have a greasy category.

  4. The Following 2 Users say Thank You for This Post by PistoneScrapProcessing:

  5. #4
    IronPirate started this thread.
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    You're right Pistone. Its always been frustrating but all the yards in Dayton are like this AFAIK. They've always screwed folks on motors, graded metals, etc. When I had my business in Dayton we only did cars, aluminum wheels and sheet as a sideline. On the other hand, they take anything - even tires mounted on wheels I hear.

    Now that I'm in Cincinnati it looks like there are several yards that pay by type so I'm looking forward to learning more about maximizing my scrap.

  6. #5
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    Try David Joseph in cincy. I used to live in canton so the yards in Dayton and cincy are bending you over with no vaseline. There's no clean or dirty grade by the mill. Its either clip, bundles, busheling, frag, PNS, HMS, steel or cast iron turnings, rail, OTM, broken cast. That about sums it up in a nutshell all scrap has to be clean or the mill will reject it outright. Dont get f*cked get informed I love arguing with the yard manager because I am always right.

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  8. #6
    IronPirate started this thread.
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    Thanks or the referral. Makes me mad to think all the years I wasted not realizing the extra $ I was overlooking.

    Since I've found this site I've taken another look at scrapping and now see it as an addition to my business, rather than a byproduct...if that makes any sense.

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  10. #7
    thortek's Avatar
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    You might give omnisource here in Lima a call. A couple more hours but the pricing might be better.
    “Most people miss opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work .” ― Thomas A. Edison

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  12. #8
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronPirate View Post
    Thanks or the referral. Makes me mad to think all the years I wasted not realizing the extra $ I was overlooking.

    Since I've found this site I've taken another look at scrapping and now see it as an addition to my business, rather than a byproduct...if that makes any sense.
    I totally get it. AS part of my junk removal business I originally actually THREW APPLIANCES INTO THE LANDFILL! (Hangs head in shame.) Now scrap is a huge adjunct to my business and I keep a 60 yarder parked in my lot and call for a pickup when it is full.

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