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Here we call that being "grandfathered in". Unfortunately, some of the people who sell stolen metal have never been caught at it.
Magic! I didn't know there was a name to this idea. I came up with it to get a way to stop more people smoking, ie, if you were born after, say 1990, you couldn't smoke or buy cigerettes or tobacco..
In ten years, nobody under the age of 32 would be a smoker.....
I think the result of this law would be that the current scrapmetal sellers would buy from other people & then they would sell to the scrapmetal dealers.
That'd result in a profit for the sellers, but it would also make them liable for any stolen scrap they had in their possesion..
If they got caught with stolen scrap they would loose the chance to sell to the scrapmetal dealers.
On the other hand, they could get the stolen metal & report it to the Police & keep their current statis. (I think its better to work with the law, than to try & work a way around it)
I think its sorta like moving the 'bar' down one layer & current scrappers use a looser arrangement of laws but are more accountable to the Law than before. (have more to loose)
At the same time the current scrapmetal sellers won't have more competition, which is probably driving the illegal scrapmetal market anyway.