I spent the last couple days helping out a family that had a very unfortunate circumstance. It was about half acre of what you might call hoarding. There were 15 vehicles, boats, RVs, lawn equipment... six portable one car garages stacked 6' high with boxes full of you name it. It was kind of like a Sears or Kmart all out in the front yard. With time constraints they held a moving sale and placed an ad on Clist. Allot of folks showed up and we loaded trucks and started digging out cars and then it started to rain and the tents started leaking. There was a ton of scrap that left in the first couple hours and we started building a scrap pile. My first experience with hoarding that looks like a serious mental illness and then my neighbor tells me about a ten acre place in Eastern Washington that's covered with junkers his kid's been hauling out of.