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My experience at the yard today

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    newattitude started this thread.
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    My experience at the yard today

    So everyone there knows me by name and the owner/operator is a really nice guy and has helped me a lot with questions, etc. So over the course of some visits I was telling him about getting ready for tax time and I was nervous and all that being my first year etc. I had him double check some months for me too back a while since I had lost some tickets. Now, I'm not sure if him knowing I claimed the $$ I made off him last year played a part but as I was chatting with him this am and joking about my meager ''profit'' and my truck eating it all up and hopefully this year will be better in that regard but it sure seemed like it might be. Anyways, he had started weighing all my stuff in buckets on the dolly as I was unloading my steel so I couldn't watch him but when he paid me I thought it was a bit high for what I had. When I got in my truck and looked at my ticket because my chatty brother was hanging over my shoulder inside I was trying to figure out why I had two separate weights for Old Cast when what I had turned in was Irony Aluminum and Zinc. Now, as owner*operator he's never made a mistake like that before and the price difference was larger on the Zinc so I'm thinking it wasn't a mistake and he either paid me higher for being loyal customer or maybe for being honest. Now, probably it was neither of those (just only in MY mind! ) but it sure felt like maybe it was *something* because he doesn't make mistakes like that. I'm not complaining in the least, just something nice that happened today!

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    So everyone there knows me by name and the owner/operator is a really nice guy
    When you go in does everyone hollar"Norm"???

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  5. #4
    gamedayron's Avatar
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    was that a "cheers" referance mechanic ? lol

  6. #5
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Most likely being a loyal customer.

    The yard I go to, will do that periodically, especially in the non ferrous department.

    Unfortunately my yard has a BAD tendency to hire people with STICKY fingers and they think they will never get caught but they do.

    The only ones that still work there from when I started is in the non ferrous department.

    He will hook up you sometimes, regardless if others are in the building or not
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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