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  1. #21
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    I was bidding on eBay auctions and checking in here now and then.

    I was thinking about the term "happy camper" and thinking about how many were not happy campers as much as they would like to be.

    It's raining outside and I'm done bidding on the eBay auctions I was watching. I won 3 of them near my top bid. I bid a price that I feel is right and what my hobby budget can handle.

    But anywho, I was thinking about the happy camper meaning and still wondering WHY so many try the short cuts to what they believe they want out of life.

    I'm still much the same as I was when I was 4 years old. That's when I started getting a GOOD idea of HOW this world worked.

    I would watch the others from baby to one foot in the grave and learned many things.

    I've always been interested in knowledge and greater learning as that was where the deep answers lay.

    I analyze most everything in great detail. It can be like a curse as I know what might be in my food and the other items I use.

    I was putting some thought into just HOW the ones that run things get the sheeple to follow the feed bucket.

    In the 70's the gas crises was a scam that worked out well as it got the sheeple to be comfortable with the small cheap throw away cars that they wanted the sheeple to want.

    HOW do you get people to want a much less safer vehicle that is cheap to produce want it?

    A gas crises was the answer.

    While people were waiting in line to buy over priced gas the refineries gave their workers 2 weeks off as the site was FULL.

    I was hauling Propane for awhile as it paid well and I remember being 125th in line waiting until they sent the fuel down the pipeline. I was laying in my sleeper watching a small TV and saw that on the local news they claimed that there was PLENTY of fuel, but NOT ENOUGH TRUCKS TO HAUL IT.

    Ha Ha I thought as that is what the farmers wanted to hear more then the FACT that they were holding the fuel back untill they got the price where they wanted it.

    The world around us is mostly a illusion that keeps going as most want that santa easter bunny state of mind.

    I understand very clearly WHY most are saddened by what I post most times. Been seeing it all my life. People want someone else to do the hard thinking while they day dream about other things that help them to try and escape the reality and truth that's a bummer, simply put.

    The governments control the media and most all else.

    The president and a few other top leaders knew that Japan was going to bomb Pearl Harbor. So they got all the good ships out and safely away and left the "junk" behind.

    It worked and the U.S. was IN THE WAR.

    I remember these things as it is like a computer that doesn't have any virus. It can figure out most anything if it has enough information and a red flag system for the spam and programing.

    I have no interest in being a borg or zombie, but seems that such concepts are very popular with those with lazy day dreaming thinking.

    Buy one and get one free...

  2. #22
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    Okay ... well ... just for the purpose of clear rational thinking:

    What's this got to do with the subject of discussion at hand ?

    There's usually a line of thought that runs through the thread. I'm not quite sure how scrapper on scrapper competition for the resource transitioned into an ebay auction, happiness in life, The Arab Crude Oil Embargo of the 1970's, and WW2.

    LMAO ... i'm just as guilty of derailing a thread as anyone else from time to time .... but this a complete train wreck bro.
    Last edited by hills; 04-17-2023 at 06:12 AM.

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  4. #23
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    Now ... forum etiquette suggests that one should ignore the offending post and politely try to steer the conversation back on track.

    Not very good at this but i'll give it a shot.


    I've noticed that interest in what's in the metals pile at work has really increased now that the weather has warmed up. Folks are spring cleaning and the size of the pile keeps growing by leaps & bounds. There must be eight or ten scrappers coming through every day to check out what's there.

    What a mess. The scrappers get in each other's way and block off the area so the customers can't get in to drop off their scrap metal.

    I called in the metals recycling company to haul off a couple of eighteen wheeler loads but they haven't shown up yet. The pile gets harder to trend every day once it grows to a certain size. Last year was a PITA because it took 8 full truckloads to clean the area up at the end of the summer/fall season.

  5. #24
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    Got that weird feeling?

    As for off topic.

    It's a vague vague world where up is down and left is right and the sky is purple or what ever people choose to believe.

    As for scrappers, it's gotten out of hand as so many want to believe it's a EA$Y way to make some cash.

    You get out of something what you put into it.

    If I was watching those scrappers I would be wondering what was going through their thoughts as they looked for something of value.

  6. #25
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    I go down and talk with the scrappers when i can get away sometimes. Part of my job is to keep a close eye on everything that's going on down there. I can do that and still be friendly & sociable at the same time.

    I think it's different things for different people. There's one woman that dresses as a man and does man's work. She claims to be into non-ferrous but she's not much of a scrapper. Tends to stare at the pile and spend quite a bit of time visually inspecting the ground for coins & little pieces of brass. Bit of an odd duck that one. Truth be told ... it's sometimes very peaceful down there. Got the whole zen vibe going on. I think it helps her find peace of mind.

    I've got a couple of metal sculptors that work with scrap come through on a regular basis. Both are long term friends and well respected, successful, artists. One seems fairly wealthy. The other is very civic minded and does lots of community service work.

    There's the lady in long pleated skirts & a wig that drives a sixty thousand dollar Denali SUV. I suspect shes a hoarder but don't really know her story. Always looking for something that could be re-used like a metal lamp.

    Had an old friend looking for scrap iron last week so pulled a motor out of the pile and set it by for him. He's been out of work this winter because the automotive repair shop he was at closed. I think he was just looking to scratch up a few bucks with weight on the back of his truck.

    Another young fulla is building a hot rod and pulled out the differential from an old Chevy Impala that had been sitting in a field for years.

    Then ... there are the regular scrappers. It's pretty slim pickins if they're looking for easy money. To quote a wise man here on the forum: "Anyone who tells you that scrapping isn't hard work ain't doin' it right."

    ~ They will eventually figure it out. ~

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  8. #26
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    I have been looking for my "happy camper" posts for a few days now and finally happened on to it.

    I see less and less people that are any way near the happy camper meaning.

    Most are barely part time happy campers that have all they can do playing make believe and pretend reality.

    It took me many years of searching to find the answers that satisfied my thirst for knowledge, wisdom and Truth. A Truth that is not subjective.

    I find it interesting that most never get a clue of the much BIGGER picture as they are not interested in anything that gets in the way of their beloved fantasy and fiction.

    The Santa Easter bunny beliefs just get replaced with "more adult" type fictions.

    The best advice that I give to friends is to get to know themselves. Most are trying to run away from themselves by trying to be someone that they are not, simply put.

    I'm much the same as I was when 4 years old. Following the same path that leads to the way, the Truth and the Life.

    Nothing new under the sun.

  9. #27
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    I'm sitting here doing my thing as I prefer to do.

    I see more of the REAL world as I move along getting OLDER.

    I find it interesting how my LIFE moves along at my age in TIME.

    If my 4 year old self was to visit me in my older age, would be AMAZIED at how things turned out.

    I'm doing what I WANT to do today and tomorrow I will be pleased with my "free will" choices.

    I can SEE what is going on beyond the illusions and behind the facades.

    If YOU choose to follow your fantasy and fictional remedies for achieving your DREAM$,

    you will end up with fantasy and fictional results.......

  10. #28
    CopperHeadAKA's Avatar
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    As we know in businesses different personalities exists
    For scrapers personalities will be even be more vast if Not Nasty with some of them
    its still an odd life stile . each day is a quest to the unknown , no grantees , life at truth ,
    To be or not to be Today So yes some gonna be nasty
    Copper Head and CopperHeadAKA (same person)
    I am back to my skill set from the 80's Painting & all that follows it
    I removed myself from the trash company I worked for as of 2 years ago
    I find scrap non the less

  11. #29
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    It's the ANGER issues that cause most problems. People wanting to hit and break things. People wanting to get even with others because they feel they were tricked, deceived or short changed.

    and the alcohol abuse and weird drugs that many choose to try and escape with.

  12. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChildhoodDream View Post
    It's the ANGER issues that cause most problems. People wanting to hit and break things. People wanting to get even with others because they feel they were tricked, deceived or short changed.

    and the alcohol abuse and weird drugs that many choose to try and escape with.
    Whew ... boy ... you're right about the anger. Some of the most difficult people i have to deal with are going through life with a chip on their shoulder.

    I think we all create our own environment to one degree or another. Theirs must be an angry world to live in. It makes sense that they would try and escape with drugs & alcohol. They can't stand to be around themselves. They sometimes find grace at the bottom of a bottle but it doesn't hold.

    Best to keep your distance from that kind. They've got some poison running through their veins. They're like a rattlesnake all coiled up and hissing at you. Given half a chance ... they will strike and try to inject you with their poison. It's nothing personal ... it's just what they do. It's in their nature.

  13. #31
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    You claimed in one of your posts that you didn't view television and other media as effecting the way people act. I learn PLENTY watching the media that is offered to the masses. You must bring into account that the media is controlled and you must have a license from the powers that run things. ONLY the programing that is agreeable to them is allowed.

    I see plenty of programing that says it's o.k. to be angry. That it's o.k. to hit others and break things. That it's o.k. to cheat, lie and steal.

    I could go on and on with what I see the PROGRAMMING telling the sheeple what they can do.

    I don't allow ANY angry people at my property. No fighting or arguments. I have a very peaceful world that I live in that I find very agreeable.

    The few that visit my world can notice the peacefulness. Even the wildlife takes notice.

    Fantasy and fiction is what most crave to make them feel alive.

    I am that I am.

  14. #32
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    I am opportunistic. For the most part, I don't drive around looking for scrap. If I find something good, ill pick it up. I have directed other scrapers to piles I don't have the time or energy to pick up. I will also think to myself, "I'll leave that for someone who needs it more than I". Most of the scrap I get is stuff I buy at yard sales or get swapping out something I have a job working on. I will stop to pick non ferrous... Sinks and mag wheels. I will also pick up an AC whenever I see them.

  15. #33
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    I like the AC's and dehumidifiers at work. Doing the breakdown keeps my hands busy on the slow days. It took a little bit of practice but i figured out how to separate the sealed unit and al/cu radiators from all the other stuff without breaking any lines. It makes it easy for the Freon removal technician to pump out the Freon and the oil in the sealed unit. It's all good scrap metal for the recycling yard after he has done his part.

  16. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChildhoodDream View Post
    You claimed in one of your posts that you didn't view television and other media as effecting the way people act. I learn PLENTY watching the media that is offered to the masses. You must bring into account that the media is controlled and you must have a license from the powers that run things. ONLY the programing that is agreeable to them is allowed.

    I see plenty of programing that says it's o.k. to be angry. That it's o.k. to hit others and break things. That it's o.k. to cheat, lie and steal.

    I could go on and on with what I see the PROGRAMMING telling the sheeple what they can do.

    I don't allow ANY angry people at my property. No fighting or arguments. I have a very peaceful world that I live in that I find very agreeable.

    The few that visit my world can notice the peacefulness. Even the wildlife takes notice.

    Fantasy and fiction is what most crave to make them feel alive.

    I am that I am.
    As i was saying ... we all create our own environment to one degree or another. You hide from the angry people.

    I deal with the angry people because it's part of my job to work with the public and keep things running smoothly. I try to treat everyone coming through with dignity and respect. I try to be kind to others as much as possible. Most people ... even angry people ... will treat you well if they can see that you are trying to treat them well. I also have a darkside .... it's not all love and light in my world. I can be a real A-hole if that's what it takes to get through to someone but i would prefer not to be that way if it can be avoided. It's nothing personal. It's nothing i enjoy. It's just my job to be Mr. Meanie if the situation warrants it.

  17. #35
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    I was out and about today doing some shopping. You seem to believe that I'm trying to "hide" from others, it's the other way around as it's others that try and hide from me.

    I am the way the truth and the life.

    You can take that as you will.

  18. #36
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    Ahh ... for whatever reason ... you seem to prefer to keep to yourself. Being around people causes you stress. You've said that on many occasions. It's called social anxiety. Lots of people experience it. No biggie.

  19. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by hills View Post
    Ahh ... for whatever reason ... you seem to prefer to keep to yourself. Being around people causes you stress. You've said that on many occasions. It's called social anxiety. Lots of people experience it. No biggie.
    Once again you are way off base.

    It's more like the story of the people building golden idols and having a good time playing and acting a bit crazy. I've never been one for crowds as that is what crowds like to do.

    I prefer to watch from a distance or ignore what I've seen many times as it don't interest me.

    I'm of the few and the few is just that.

    You are programed to put yourself, or at least try and place yourself in a box that seems to fit with the popular times.

    You like to try and place me in a box that makes you feel a bit more comfortable.

    I won't fit in any box that man has tried to conceive and make up.

    I have said before that if I had the santa stuff figured out before I was 4, what might I have figured out since then?

    Nothing new under the sun. But most haven't a real clue as to what that means.

    I see you eating your poo sandwiches hiding under your desk and you can't understand WHY I won't join in and get with the crowd.

    I have no need to join you in your "reality" as I understand very well that you can't see through the popular illusions and you haven't a clue as to what's behind the facades as it would get in the way of your love/lust for fantasy and fictions.

    Free your mind and your body will follow.

    They can imprison your body without your permission, but they can only imprison your mind with your permission.

    I don't give permission for my mind to be fettered and programed.

    I prefer to be as free as is possible

    and a happy camper.

    Was the plan from the start.

    I'm still the same as I was when I was 4 and so are you.

    The difference is you chose boxes and I chose not.

    I know who I am and have a good idea of where I'm going.

    You will never understand me clearly as you can't understand yourself.

  20. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChildhoodDream View Post
    Once again you are way off base.

  21. #39
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    I understand your viewpoint as this is a backwards world.

  22. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChildhoodDream View Post
    I understand your viewpoint as this is a backwards world.

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