Originally Posted by
Good luck there still alot of boards in there. Computer size 1 lb, anything bigger 2 lbs then you can just count them on up. If you got a small digital scale bring it and a screw driver out there and pop out a board of each type if you have a cool client.
I have good digital scale I use for all my purchases I make like this. 0.1 to 330 lbs, I love that scale.
From what he described I am expecting a 2-3lb motherboard. What you suggested is exactly what I plan to do. I want to be able to give this guy my best possible price and to do this I will need to know exactly what I am getting myself into.
I gambled on another purchase a couple weeks ago and ended up taking a bit of a beating on it, nothing to bad thankfully but stings enough that I don't think I'll be making the same mistake twice lol