I posted an add on Craigslist only to find it EXTREMELY helpful. Within 2 weeks, I've only been flagged once *knocks on wood* and I've gotten like, 4 or 5 Calls.
Last week, I got a call from someone who wanted me to come pickup a bunch of old car parts....and he wanted NOTHING for it. Multiple radiators, LOTS of steel, brass, AL, and engine block, the front end of a truck, etc. FILLED MY TRUCK. My yard doesn't take whole cars, but the guy at the shred pile was *****ing about an 80 lb frame piece being "too close to a full car" so they sent me to another yard with that piece. Turns out, that yard was only for NON ferrous. They sent me to ANOTHER yard, and they took it without a problem. Ended up with $180 from that load.
So this week I got a call from someone in St Clair Shores, stating that they had a Washer and a Car battery. He wanted $5 for it and said he would leave it in the back yard, and I could just place the $5 in his mail box. Soon after that call, I got ANOTHER from the same city, saying that they had a washer and 2 futon frames for me to pickup. I was like, wait...same person? But it wasn't! They wanted $10 for that. So this morning, I set out to do my pickups.
I was going to stop at my storage unit and cut the motors off, but my yard closes at 2 on Saturdays and it was 1:45 when I started heading back. I sacrificed a few bucks, but oh well. They are aluminum windings, so my yard would have only given me .19/lb for it vs the .11/lb for shred. I needed my truck empty for a pickup Monday, and there is little room in my storage unit.
I was on my 8th punch (after 8 times on 8 different days that you make $50 or more at GLE, you get a free $20). So in the end, I walked with $89.
Monday, I am supposed to go pick up 40+ computer towers, 15+ monitors, and an assortment of other equipment, battery backups, parts, etc....ALL FREE. That's right! I asked him if he wanted me to just get it gone or if he was trying to sell it and he said that he just wants it gone. Fine by me! I will also be picking up another 20 Smart UPS backups next weekend. I was supposed to yesterday, but the guy left early. These, unfortunately, I do have to pay for.
The grand finale, if anyone remembers my introduction post, I talked about doing a tear-out of a Wendy's. Well, looks like there's another one coming! If everything goes as planned, there is one being torn down by summer time and they are most likely going to let me go in. This time, unlike last, (unless plans change -.-) I WILL be able to take all of the copper and brass!

*excitement* I love my dad for these connections haha.
Sorry about writing a novel, I just felt like maybe if someone was bored, they could read about my life? Idk :P