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Different payday

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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  1. #1
    sabicp started this thread.
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    Different payday

    Picked up a 60 some inch projector tv from a local bar and grill yesterday. They called me bout 15 min after putting my Craigslist ad up. Said it quit working earlier that day. Told them I would take it, but had to charge $10 to cover proper recycling cost. He tells me not a problem, come on over. I get there and he tells me how bout we change the deal a little. My thoughts are "Oh great, now what". He hands me a 10 dollar bill, a gift certificate for $25 and says "meal is on the house tonight"!! NICE!!! They have pretty good food, so I couldn't complain at all. Pretty good night in my opinion.

    One part about it did put a frown on my face a little. While talking to the guy, he tells me that about 2 months ago they got rid of about 30 some computers for scrap. I asked what they got for them. He says they hauled them to a place about 40 minutes away that just took them. I was sure to let him know I could beat that easily.

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