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A shootout in the ghetto(almost)

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Hurrikane started this thread.
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    A shootout in the ghetto(almost)

    Working for a company that manages apartment complexes I sometimes do temporary duty at some of our properties which requires me to live on site for a while.At this particular property since October of last year,I've scrapped all that I can of leftover junk from the property so I decided to take a little drive and see what I could find.Just a short drive down the road I saw a window ac unit,stopped and started to load it up when a truck pulls up and two dudes jump out and start telling me that this is their area and if I don't get the f!@k out they'll shoot my a**! They backed off when I showed them my pistol.Anybody ever have any run-ins like this?I'm from the suburbs and have never had this happen before.The guys and girls that I run into scrappin' in the suburbs seem to have a mutual respect for eachother,it's almost like a game to see who gets an item first.For anybody who remembers Hill Street Blues "Let's be careful out there"

  2. #2
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    I heard of some scrapers fighting but stories are probably embellished
    But what you had happen is completely believable . As you are in a area that people have turf fights over the air they breath . So a cash tangible item could be a very real deal.
    I would be very careful , Your average person if you show a gun to might call the cops on you just to see how the chips fall . These guys backed off but might not be for the reason you believe. People like that are street fighters or gang related & next time they will be prepared . If you have a gun & they have gunS those odds are not in your favor as your in there turf. If you get shot who will call the cops on you behalf ??
    Those street people will kill you & go get a burger after the fact.
    Last edited by Copper Head; 03-05-2012 at 05:42 PM.

  3. #3
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Did you get the AC unit??

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  5. #4
    Hurrikane started this thread.
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    Oh yeah loaded it up as they pulled away

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