So I had an excellent curb side picking night. I got home with a set of infinity home stereo speakers, some cinder blocks I had been needing for a project, and a working john deer weed eater, it was just missing the ez attachments which I happen to have an extra one of, up on Craigslist it goes! I also got 2 bbq grills, some alum patio furniture, etc. for scrap my truck was full. I was breaking things down when my neighbor, who is also a scrapper told me there was a house around the curb with tons of stuff on the curb, no metal but a big tv he couldn't lift since he just had surgery. I told him I like digging through those because it was like treasure and told him a few stories, said I'd go grab the tv when I was done, he grabbed his flashlight and jumped on his bike to go back and dig, he came back with a public enemy cd, the tv was gone by the time he went back, lol.
I got a shower and hopped on a longboard rode down with my flashlight and started digging, bam the personal box I find a bottle of KY jelly....eewwwwwwwwww gross. But then I find not one jewelry box but two...Inside a bunch of costume jewelry but I find an 8 gram 417 gold necklace if my calculation is right its 41.7% gold so gold value is around $187. I also found an Italian silver necklace, and a broken necklace and some earrings that may also be silver. I also found some serious identity theft potentials, even an un cashed check all of which I tried to shred up as best as I could by hand onsite.