congrats on your scores, the trailers all i have ever done is the frame good money there, you are right to charge judging by all the searches ive done but it is good that they are providing the rolloffs, make sure your excavator has a thumb. im also the fire extinguisher guy

ive trialed and errored alot but ive got a really nice system down now. i open my vise all the way tighten just until the extinguisher is snug otherwise it will roll up on you, then i run a ratchet strap from under the vise over the top back to the bottom and tighten the crap out of it, use a pipe wrench and a cheater and push down. sounds like a long process but it only takes a about a minute for each one once you get the system down. the nozzles are all different, it sounds like your guy is going to help you figure it out, i would love to hear what he has to say, if you read any of my posts you already know your going to make some big bucks
EDIT, i really need to say this so far its only happened twice and ive done hundreds. i have had two valves that wouldnt open to release the pressure, of course i just assumed on both of them that there wasnt any pressure inside the tank, we the first one it started hissing and i thought well he!!, so i done the stupid thing the first time i slowly unscrewed it and it spun me around im a big guy by the way 240 nozzle still in my hand, it also spun my vise around half a turn, so lots of pressure. anyway the next one it started hissing i took it out of the vise and let it hiss away took a few hours for it to stop. normally im really safty conscious but screwed up that day, the buddy i got them from said if im not careful they would take me for a ride he was right. the guy your going to work with is probably going to show you a verticle pipe vise with a chain that will clamp down around the pipe, this will make the cylinder stable even if this happens tho there would probably be no telling where the nozzle would go.