yesterday I met 2 people different personality , First i hit a dumpster all trash except i see a pipe and about 30 ft of coiled steel used for cleaning drain ,must of become a tangled mess , Guy walks out as says it mine i want it . I offer to pay @50% value then he puts out a wacky value $25 . I say i cant at best its worth $ 7 then he says get walking

. So i moved on . but for sure it was not about the money it was his distaste for how I was making money. if i just paid the excessive fee maybe i could have won him over ?? I noticed this morn still sitting in the dumpster with all the other trash ...................... Like he had any intention to pull out.
Next person he is washing his car I ask he says take what you want from trash. as i am leaving he says I have an old tool kit from my father it's full of flood water . You want it ? turns out to be a vintage JH Williams ratchet kit , cleaned them up all working . if it was rust free I'd say a value $125.00 as i see just one ratchet going for $35 with a bid on
ebay , even as is must have some value. It has value to me as i will use it and remember the contrast of people we meet daily.