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Gold these past few weeks

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  1. #1
    drozenski started this thread.
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    Gold these past few weeks

    Whats up with gold the past few weeks? Down $100!

    Whats the deal I was hoping for a rebound from the winter. Anyone got some insider info on gold?

    Will this slide continue? :confused:
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  2. #2
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    Hard to say... its international economics as well as political turmoil. Not to mention when guys like big ben bernanke opens his mouth gold drops 3-5%
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  3. #3
    CFoote's Avatar
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    From a technical standpoint, gold and silver are just consolidating right now and will soon start higher. As far as the fundamental picture is concerned, nothing has changed...Our government is still printing paper money, with no signs of stopping. All a consolidation like we are going through right now accomplishes is that it shakes the weaker hands out of the market and allows those of us with stronger hands to purchase more PM's at lower prices.
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  4. #4
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    those of us with stronger hands ? rofl. are you sure your on the right forum. those individuals who are able to swing the gold or silver market, are way beyond the wealth of this intire forum. on wall street they call it profit taking.

    they can no longer just out right steal your money, through manipulating the real estate market. or financial markets there is no money left there they have it all, so they have turned to other ventures.

    Dont you find it a little odd that the world financial situation is in total dissaray, but the stock market is booming back to pre disaster wealth.

    it is all written in history, google, the Rothschild family circa Napolianic wars and waterloo, the road map is there easy to read and to understand.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 03-16-2012 at 07:57 AM.

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  6. #5
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    Olddude you speak the truth! Someone once told me the best way to predict the future is to look at the past.

  7. #6
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    Gold and silver will drop as the value of paper/coin comes back up. Not just the us but would wide paper and coin values and make gold go up and down. Another thing to look at is the start market...right now its booming so the "big wigs" are not buying as much gold and silver this would slow the selling of those items and the price will drop some as they are looking to invest into the stock market. Another thing to take note of is the bad weather they are getting over seas as some parts of it is still under water and has caused the price of hard drives to sky rocket but as a cause to them not being able to make or put out as many hard drives the metals they need they are not buying...that can lower the price of X metals. So there are many facts on how, why and when prices go up and down.
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  8. #7
    RustyDollars's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drozenski View Post
    Whats up with gold the past few weeks? Down $100!

    Whats the deal I was hoping for a rebound from the winter. Anyone got some insider info on gold?

    Will this slide continue? :confused:
    Just be patient. As soon as either someone in the Middle East sneezes or someone in Greece farts the stock market will loose a couple hundred points and gold will regain some ground.
    If it wasn't for the $ in $crap, it would just be.....

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