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Excited about tomorrow (is it wrong)?

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    parrothead started this thread.
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    Excited about tomorrow (is it wrong)?

    OK, ever since I moved here I had to drive to Fort Pierce to sell any scrap I had. It is a 33 mile round trip which takes exactly 3 gallons of gas in my truck. So, I never bothered making the run unless I had a full load to offset the gas price.

    As of tomorrow, there is a brand new non-ferrous yard opening up just 10 blocks from my house. I am crossing my fingers that the prices are comperable to the yards that are a 33 mile round trip.

    I have been stopping by this place off and on and never found anyone, but finally got someone on Saturday. Glad I did.

    This is fantastic. I save all of our cans and it gets to be a mess in the side yard. It was never worth the drive, I just crammed a few bags in to fill up the load. Now I can run over there as soon as we get just one good bag of cans even if it is just 4 or 5 dollars. This makes a huge difference for me on space.

    Along with this, the guy said he would be buying boards. Not sure what he meant, but will find out tomorrow. While I doubt they can beat the buyers on here for the good stuff, I am hoping that they are buying lowgrade boards which I never had the room to save before. I will now be able to throw 2 or 3 totes with a total of 100 pounds or so of low grade and just run over there and get rid of it even if I just get $10 dollars for it.

    I never saved them before because it would take about 150 pounds just to break even on the gas not to mention the wear and tear on the truck. And as you know those boards can be bulky and take up space.

    So besides the gas savings, I get some space savings (with the cans) which will allow for me to save the crappy boards that I never was able to save before.

    Worst case scenario, if their prices suck, I will still take my cans there whenever I get enough, and I will still be able to add the low grade boards to what I save up and sell.

    win-win either way.

    Happy day tomorrow and I am sure that biggerhammer will be posting soon about this as well as it will be a big help for them too.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

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    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    KEWL....Myself I will sometimes go out of my way to avoid yards that are to picky....I break my scrap down as much as possible but even I miss a piece of plastic or sumthin

  4. #3
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    Very nice..their can price should be very similar to ur other yard.. all round me are the that is a winner for on the other ferrous n non ferrous scrap...$$$$$

  5. #4
    parrothead started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    KEWL....Myself I will sometimes go out of my way to avoid yards that are to picky....I break my scrap down as much as possible but even I miss a piece of plastic or sumthin
    The yard I have gone to regularly is very much not picky. I always seperate my aluminum into cast, extruded, and misc. They throw it all together and pay the same price. The best though was when I took in a bunch of computer ribbon cable (about 15 pounds) and about 100 pounds of insulated. He threw them all together and gave me (90 cents at the time) now would be 1.00 a pound. He said it was fine as long as it is about 15% or less.

    I am still prepared to, and will, seperate like crazy. Just hope the new yard appreciates it and pays accordingly. I think the old yard just got used to everyone mixing it all up so they just came up with a flat price.

  6. #5
    parrothead started this thread.
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    I just realised another benefit of this. The old yard I would get to once a month on the best months. Now I will probably be at the new one every week or so. that helps with people getting to know your face and becoming a regular.

  7. #6
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    There ya Man....$$$$$$$$$$$

  8. #7
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Hey Parrothead I don't know how much room you have but I back my boards in boxes as I get them and just stack them up till I get 2 or 3 hundred lbs. Let us know about the new yard it sounds like it'll be big help for you..

  9. #8
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    I called all the scrap yards in Sacramento and found Sims recycling the highest paying but farther. Sims is international does anyone else go to them, just curious, they seem helpful and fair.

    Great to hear the news parrot, with gas prices this high I would jump ten times and click my heels yelling " YA hOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

    But thats skippy being skippy

  10. #9
    parrothead started this thread.
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    Scrap yard was deserted as I expected until the word gets out. The guy today says not buying any boards at all. They are trying to figure the whole thing out. So I of course gave him my card and told him to call me when he gets a chance and I would help in any way possible.

    Good news is I can seperate aluminum now. Extruded gets 65 cents where the old place had it all at 53 or something like that.

  11. #10
    thortek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    Scrap yard was deserted as I expected until the word gets out. The guy today says not buying any boards at all. They are trying to figure the whole thing out. So I of course gave him my card and told him to call me when he gets a chance and I would help in any way possible.

    Good news is I can seperate aluminum now. Extruded gets 65 cents where the old place had it all at 53 or something like that.
    Now is the time to be his BUYING source for Boards. Offer him a pricing structure, or a flat price across the board. Set yourself up as the guy that turned him on to buying e-waste.....
    “Most people miss opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work .” ― Thomas A. Edison

  12. #11
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thortek View Post
    Now is the time to be his BUYING source for Boards. Offer him a pricing structure, or a flat price across the board. Set yourself up as the guy that turned him on to buying e-waste.....
    If you could do that and he starts making some money from it, he is sure to kick you the best prices for your other items you sell to him!

  13. #12
    parrothead started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by thortek View Post
    Now is the time to be his BUYING source for Boards. Offer him a pricing structure, or a flat price across the board. Set yourself up as the guy that turned him on to buying e-waste.....
    In the works.

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