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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    sorry to hear about will be in my prayers tonight . hope you have a speedy recovery. you will be missed here.

  2. #22
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    on my laptop and in bed. I'm on meds and have talking with attorney as I feel the female driver is going to try to sue me up the river and back. My mother went out to the crash sight and found some people who saw it happen and they told her that they saw it and think its her fault so she has been getting that info so it can used in court.

    I had x-ray and MRI and they did not see any broken bones as of yet but what they did see is muscle damage and will take some time to fully heal. So they have me on muscle relaxants and pain killers. I have to see a doctor again on Monday and will or should know more then.

    I got the truck out of the tow company yesterday (had to get a some peoples help to get it out) and the damage to the truck is very little. The bumper took most of the hit (small car) so truck is over all ok other than I need to replace lights, grill. Have some repairs from where the trailer broke away and came around and hit the truck. The trailer coupler snapped in half and so it will have to be cut and redone and not to big of an issue I don't think.

    I think thats all on the updates but I thought I would drop a line or two.

    My office (working on) will open again but I have to bring someone up to speed on where I left off so they can take care of things with me away.

    Thank you all for your prayers!
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
    My Name Stephan Harz
    My YouTube page

  3. #23
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    It's good to have a Mom. No broken bones is better than it could have been. Again don't push too hard too soon, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  4. #24
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Well...I am up and walking again. Still in pain but not as bad. I have to get some checks sent out and I hope I don't have anyone to mad/upset. Just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing good and starting Monday I will be back in the office and buying. Right now I am just walking around the house and taking it easy for the rest of the week.

  5. #25
    scrapdollar's Avatar
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    Hey easy, just read this post. Hate that it happened to you and hope you are doing well.
    The distance is a little great or I would offer you my help. Take care and be careful.

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