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Some of u will b happy to Know I had a bad day

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    skippy started this thread.
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    Some of u will b happy to Know I had a bad day

    Finally got something on CL wash/dry tv's and a couch I could sell the homeowner say he will hold for me. I then have to un load my truck and fuel up and drive thru 5 o clock traffic and when I finally get there people are loading the wash/dryer on a pick up. they also took the Tv's so im left with the couch which looked good in the picture but was ripped. Then Im driving home with head hung low and tail between my legs peeing and I look in the mirror and Im pulled over. The cop started out by throwing a comp-board at me saying my load was not secure which is crazy because there isnt much there. ( Im convinced 90% of cops were picked on in school and need revenge) What a day now thats scrappin.

    By the way the girl loading the washer couldnt do it so I help them load their truck.

  2. #2
    danielms's Avatar
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    bad deal there they harass me for being a scrapper,go out of their way to pull me over. on the flipside there alot of theives around here making it hard for the honest guy, good form for helping tho, the big man will look out for you.

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  4. #3
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    Its never good for anyone to have a bad day. The cops around here pulled me over non stop for about 3 months. Now they know my truck so they don't even bother with me now. Plus I've gotten some really good stuff from them. They go through TVs like crazy. And as far as helping that fellow Scrapper you can hold your head high as karma is always out there.

  5. #4
    Mulden's Avatar
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    Sorry you had a bad day dude, no-one deserves that.
    Keep at it - patience patience patience. Your ship will come, you've just gotta keep watching the sea. Hope things pick up soon. If you're desperate to keep the wolf from the door, there's lots of little things you can do during the dry spells - PM me and we'll have a chat.

  6. #5
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by skippy View Post
    Finally got something on CL wash/dry tv's and a couch I could sell the homeowner say he will hold for me. I then have to un load my truck and fuel up and drive thru 5 o clock traffic and when I finally get there people are loading the wash/dryer on a pick up. they also took the Tv's so im left with the couch which looked good in the picture but was ripped. Then Im driving home with head hung low and tail between my legs peeing and I look in the mirror and Im pulled over. The cop started out by throwing a comp-board at me saying my load was not secure which is crazy because there isnt much there. ( Im convinced 90% of cops were picked on in school and need revenge) What a day now thats scrappin.

    By the way the girl loading the washer couldnt do it so I help them load their truck.
    Plead not guilty to the ticket, chances the cop is a no show in court are in your favor.

  7. #6
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    My first stake truck, when I bought it with metal stake sides, had bulging sides from the previous user. It was a cop magnet! I got pulled over once a month and in Michigan they don't know a commercial vehicle ticket that starts with a number lower than $600 bucks.

    Took a couple days and a couple hundred dollars, had a guy weld metal stakes to the sides, my crew chief and I spent some time installing plywood sides over the metal stakes and we put BG signs on it.

    Now the cop stops have ceased, and the signs have pulled in business, so it was a very good investment for me!
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    John Terrell (248) 224-2188
    Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC
    5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329

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  9. #7
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    Cant say I have ever been harrassed by the police, but the crackheads that haul to us often do. I have seen guys pulling cars down the road on rims and wonder why the cops show up while they are waiting to weigh. I feel your pain on the comercial vehicle tickets. One of out trucks got stopped for not displaying his numbers. He took them off because he was afraid he would loose them. I managed to get it down to a few hundred dollars. Then we got stick on numbers instead of the magnets.

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