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Wrong thing to do or hilarious thing to do ?

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    gamedayron started this thread.
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    Wrong thing to do or hilarious thing to do ?

    Long story bear with me ..
    so right before i shipped to boot camp the dog from the house behind me got loose and ended up biting me. i wasnt really worried too much about the bite as i was rabies or infection since i was leaving for boot camp in a few days. when i went to ask the owner if she had papers for the dog she said no so naturally i asked her to agree to pay hospital bills so i can have it checked out . she agreed. a few months later after paying $1000 in hospital bills for various tests she now doesnt wanna pay. i was gonna take her to court but i work and scrap so much its honestly not worth it to take time off just to get the thousand bucks back. now my other situation is these a-hole scrappers keep flagging my ads on craigslist even the ones where im trying to sell things like a radio out of my car ! (they send me an email saying thier "craigslist security'') so what i plan on doing is putting up a "free" ad on craigslist for various scrap metal and send the scrappers to the lady behind mes address and tell them if they want the metal they must knock because i do not have a phone. i plan on putting this ad up at about 6 am. do you guys think i am wrong by doing this ?

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  3. #2
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    Wrong? Yes. Funny? Absolutely!

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  5. #3
    danielms's Avatar
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    nice! like killing 2 birds with1 stone i hate the ones that think they own craigs list

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  7. #4
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by gamedayron View Post
    Long story bear with me ..
    so right before i shipped to boot camp the dog from the house behind me got loose and ended up biting me. i wasnt really worried too much about the bite as i was rabies or infection since i was leaving for boot camp in a few days. when i went to ask the owner if she had papers for the dog she said no so naturally i asked her to agree to pay hospital bills so i can have it checked out . she agreed. a few months later after paying $1000 in hospital bills for various tests she now doesnt wanna pay. i was gonna take her to court but i work and scrap so much its honestly not worth it to take time off just to get the thousand bucks back. now my other situation is these a-hole scrappers keep flagging my ads on craigslist even the ones where im trying to sell things like a radio out of my car ! (they send me an email saying thier "craigslist security'') so what i plan on doing is putting up a "free" ad on craigslist for various scrap metal and send the scrappers to the lady behind mes address and tell them if they want the metal they must knock because i do not have a phone. i plan on putting this ad up at about 6 am. do you guys think i am wrong by doing this ?
    I thought they made men from boys in boot camp... would it have made any difference of the dog had a pedigree. Besides I think your full of yourself when you entered boot camp you became the property of the United Sates, the medics would have given you the best treatment available.
    Last edited by gustavus; 03-24-2012 at 08:12 PM.

  8. #5
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    So wrong but so funny.

    Probably not a good idea from a legal point of view since you would be setting them up to be injured.

    Of course you could send them to some real scrap - sitting on top a pile of dog doo. Just a thought.
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  9. #6
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Funny!!!! How's that saying go? " Just do it " I would, but that's just me.

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  11. #7
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    Reminds me of my cousin a few years back. Had a good friend that had really screwed him over on some boat they had bought together (dont remember details, just remember it costed my cousin a couple grand). But to get back at him my cousin posted an add for free copper and aluminum scraps and put his x-friends phone number along with his parents and girlfriends. Put it in the classifieds of the local paper.

  12. #8
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Of the three forums I belong to this board is the only one that allows hate crimes to breed and perpetuate.

    Think about what your putting into type guys, we have members as young as 15 / 16 years old is this what we want to teach as being acceptable behavior.

    We're here to share our knowledge, techniques, and believe it or not ethics plays a big part in this business.

    IMHO there are far too many petty postings permitted to stand, it's time to separate the chaff from the wheat.

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  14. #9
    gamedayron started this thread.
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    honestly biscuit i agree with you but is everything in life perfect ?do you always do the "right" thing ?sometimes what people consider the "right" thing isnt really the right thing. i was raised on handshakes and your word and an eye for an eye thats how it should be people are too worried about being politically correct all the time

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  16. #10
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by gamedayron View Post
    honestly biscuit i agree with you but is everything in life perfect ?do you always do the "right" thing ?sometimes what people consider the "right" thing isnt really the right thing. i was raised on handshakes and your word and an eye for an eye thats how it should be people are too worried about being politically correct all the time
    How I conduct myself in Private is just that private business -- loose lips sink ships.

  17. #11
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    Sooo...when some other scrapper goes to her door and gets bit, are you blameless?

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  19. #12
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biscuit View Post
    Of the three forums I belong to this board is the only one that allows hate crimes to breed and perpetuate.

    Think about what your putting into type guys, we have members as young as 15 / 16 years old is this what we want to teach as being acceptable behavior.

    We're here to share our knowledge, techniques, and believe it or not ethics plays a big part in this business.

    IMHO there are far too many petty postings permitted to stand, it's time to separate the chaff from the wheat.
    1: It's not a hate crime. Practical joke at best.
    2: There is an age limit to even be a member here. 18. It's not our fault if it isn't enforced.
    3: That's just what we do. Share our knowledge and techniques. Where's the "ethics" with the dog owner or the "craigslist security"? Sometimes you just gotta fight fire with fire.
    4: You're right. Lots of threads by not so bright individuals are permitted to stand. Yet, longtime, valued, knowledgeable, paid members ( who btw are more than willing to share their knowledge with anyone that'll try to act like they've got a little common sense ) get their posts deleted and get banned!

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  21. #13
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejack View Post
    1: It's not a hate crime. Practical joke at best.
    2: There is an age limit to even be a member here. 18. It's not our fault if it isn't enforced.
    3: That's just what we do. Share our knowledge and techniques. Where's the "ethics" with the dog owner or the "craigslist security"? Sometimes you just gotta fight fire with fire.
    4: You're right. Lots of threads by not so bright individuals are permitted to stand. Yet, longtime, valued, knowledgeable, paid members ( who btw are more than willing to share their knowledge with anyone that'll try to act like they've got a little common sense ) get their posts deleted and get banned!
    Practical joke, somehow I've outgrown your sense of humor.

    To collect on the medical bill he could have taken legal recourse - small claims court. Sue both the home owner and her insurance company.

    Re Craigslist competition flagging I can well imagine it works both ways and that our friend has done his share of flagging.

    Fighting fire with fire can be a very successful way of bringing a potential disaster under control however it is not always successful when improperly implemented by fools having no knowledge of fire.

    Sometimes the wind can change direction on you.

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  23. #14
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    gamedayron, you'll understand these next 3 quotes:

    1:We are the unappreciated, doing the unnecessary for the ungrateful.
    We have been doing so much, with so little, for so long that we are now qualified to anything with nothing. (Unknown Marine, Vietnam)

    2:Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem.
    Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; 1985

    3:Semper Fi do or die, ours is not to question why!

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  25. #15
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    The problem is that there's no way of knowing that whoever flagged the CL ads will be the one and only one to knock on the dog lady's door. If there were a guarantee of that, then there might be some poetic justice. As it is, the plan most likely involves innocent people who are going to be inconvienienced, at the very least, by following the directions in the ad.

    Who wants to be used (cause that's what it is), in this revenge/practical joke? Raise your hand.

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  27. #16
    gamedayron started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejack View Post
    gamedayron, you'll understand these next 3 quotes:

    1:We are the unappreciated, doing the unnecessary for the ungrateful.
    We have been doing so much, with so little, for so long that we are now qualified to anything with nothing. (Unknown Marine, Vietnam)

    2:Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem.
    Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; 1985

    3:Semper Fi do or die, ours is not to question why!
    Semper Fi ! these guys dont know what its like those 13 weeks of hell or being deployed scared as hell in a foriegn country. that second quote im actually getting tattooed on my chest soon

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  29. #17
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    Absolutely the wrong!! I don't know all the facts, only what you said and I can't take sides with only knowing one side of the story. I don't know how old you are but if just inlisted your not very old. You will learn in like there is a right way and a wrong way to handle all situations. If you where doing nothing wrong to cause the dog to bite you, you sould have called the police. Then you would have legal grounds for a law suit,and could have recoverd more than med. bills. As far as CL goes if you don't like getting flaged don't use CL find another way to advertise. The way your trying to get back at people makes me wonder if you did something to cause the dog to bite you in the first place. I hope the milatary make a man out of you. Just my .02

  30. #18
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    If I was you, I would have had her sign a paper and even notarized it. Even if you took her to court, it is her word against yours.

    You could be the bigger man, and not do the ad and send them to her house, but she does deserve it.
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  31. #19
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    I'd be more concerend about the people seeing your scrap and coming back later and stealing some just to get their payback...

  32. #20
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    She will complain to Craisgslist and they will put a hold on your account. I hope you have another number to link it to.

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