Originally Posted by
Of the three forums I belong to this board is the only one that allows hate crimes to breed and perpetuate.
Think about what your putting into type guys, we have members as young as 15 / 16 years old is this what we want to teach as being acceptable behavior.
We're here to share our knowledge, techniques, and believe it or not ethics plays a big part in this business.
IMHO there are far too many petty postings permitted to stand, it's time to separate the chaff from the wheat.
1: It's not a hate crime. Practical joke at best.
2: There is an age limit to even be a member here. 18. It's not our fault if it isn't enforced.
3: That's just what we do. Share our knowledge and techniques. Where's the "ethics" with the dog owner or the "craigslist security"? Sometimes you just gotta fight fire with fire.
4: You're right. Lots of threads by not so bright individuals are permitted to stand. Yet, longtime, valued, knowledgeable, paid members ( who btw are more than willing to share their knowledge with anyone that'll try to act like they've got a little common sense ) get their posts deleted and get banned!