So last week my dad and I had a talk about NOT stripping every tiny piece out of Laser printers. I explained that we get the same price for steel on the computer cases as we do with Laser printers with the plastic still attached, and we PAY to have plastic hauled.
So he starts arguing with me about ALL THE BOARDS INSIDE......And again I try to explain that we get paid the same for the Brown low grade boards as we do for the steel we take to the yard. so we LOSE money everytime he takes the plastic off, and everytime he breaks everything down into tiny pieces.
I tried to explain it to him as paid by the hour vs paid by the job...but he's just too stubborn....
I just let him do what he wanted, and I tore down 10 inkjet printers in the hour that followed. Pop the top off, and toss it in the plastic box, unscrewed it. Pried the board out, and tossed the rest into the Shred pile. I'm going to get through this last gaylord of printers, this week. Then start knocking out Monitors. I want to cash out this huge load by Easter.
I think I'll see about $200 profit....which when you tally up how much I've spent in advil on my sore back from unloading without a probably about break even!