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Last big selloff.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    eesakiwi started this thread.
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    Last big selloff.

    I'm gonna have to have a look at my camera settings, they all turn out dark on the net for some reason. Its all in 40Kg coal sacks, waist high.

    Top row.- dom Al, cast Al, ext AL, ext Al, light Al, sheet Al.
    Mid row.- light Al, condensor Al, washing machine tub fulla dom Al, dom Al, ext Al,
    Bottom row, 11Kg Ali cans, misc Brass, stainless in dishwasher tub (3+dishwashers, dom etc)

    The non-ferrous, all the fridge cases & iron lamination's etc.
    The orange 'bomb looking thing' was a underfloor safe casing I got 3/4 of the way thru making...

    I got in NZ$>
    Ali $222 (136Kg), brass $35(6Kg), iron $235(960Kg), batterys $70(123Kg), Stainless $80(39Kg).
    Near NZ$640

    Out of that I paid, $45 for 2 visits & a pickup, to the guy who lent me a hand & his vehicle.
    $250 to the guy I source all my metal from.

    So I made ~NZ$350 + all of the hundreds of copper wire $ I have sold in between.

    $250 is actually the value of all the nonferrous, which I have upgraded from 'light gauge $' to 'heavy gauge $'.

    Thats where I can make the $$.
    A $1.10 fridge compressor of his, turns into $7 Copper & $2 heavy Iron, I keep the copper & return the now $2 back to him, everyone profits.

    This is a 3.5Kg (7 1/2Lb) Copper fridge icebox, I love these, its like winning a minor lotto prize or opening a Christmas present. (or a box of chocolates..)

    Most of the Car batterys I got from a guy I helped out at 1am one morning. He had left his car running while it was parked in his driveway, at 1 am, & the car decided to lock itself....
    When I get there they have spent a 1/2hour trying to get into it & I see the problem, find some blue packing tape a block away (I knew where it was already) & within a few minutes figure out how to get in, the 1% chance & then as they are thanking me.
    I mention that "Those car batterys there will get you a few $$ if you want some".
    A couple of days later I see him at the supermarket & he walks up & says "Thanks Mate, you can have those car batterys if you want since you helped me out".
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 04-22-2012 at 11:48 PM.

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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  3. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Nice bags of goodies. Looks like a lot of work went into it all, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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