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The good old cut off

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  1. #1
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    The good old cut off

    On the subject of cut offs I use Dewalts and sure they work but in each case as I use them they never last long .A wile back i found a used cut off the arbor size was to large for my chop but i aliened it and it worked and worked and i have lost count how many cuts i made and still have it. i sure wish i knew the company who made it . I think it was a worn down king size cut off as i found it in a utility company trash container.

  2. #2
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    My drill master from harbor freight lasted at least 6 months, it had about 10 hours of the motor actually spinning and it burnt out over the weekend. I upgraded to the Chicago tools we will see how long it last, if only 6 months the next one I will pay 9.99 for a two year replacement guarantee.

  3. #3
    rca987's Avatar
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    Battery powered or electric? I have a Ryobi electric cut off, has worked great for over a year..But my ryobi battery power dies in about 10 minutes.
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  4. #4
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    Copper Head, are you talking about the cutting wheels or the chop saw itself?

  5. #5
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Thank you FJ The cutting wheel - Heck I find saws in the trash that work - Like i have this mistery cut wheel thats still cutting pipe after pipe ( STEEL )

    It was a find that i had laying around months and one day i needed a blade . I wish i had a box of them I feel it used to be much larger and this was the toss out cause it got to small @ 10 inch , Is that possible ?
    Last edited by Copper Head; 04-24-2012 at 02:25 PM.

  6. #6
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I just found a big cut off blade this thing looks 18 to 24 round the center is messed up for the arbor , Using a old cut off I rigged it up and now i am cutting pipes with what looks like a very long lasting blade for the 15 amp Hitachi. I had to remove the shield & when I cut I have to really pay attention and hang on for life, has a gyroscope like feel. This is a real gray area for safety !!
    Last edited by Copper Head; 05-05-2012 at 01:19 PM.

  7. #7
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    quote{This is a real gray area for safety !! }

    Nah, its gonna be a Red area soon.....

    Hell, never take a guard off a grinder & never use a disc thats too big for the grinder, the centrifugal forces are pretty big & add up exponentially with a too large a disc.
    Also, as you noted the gyroscopic forces add up pretty quickly, the revs are far too high.
    That & no guard is asking for a accident, grinder disc accidents are really bad, they never heal well & leave a lot of scar tissue.

    I make use of the guard as a lever so I can maintain a steady pressure on the grinders motor.

    You can use worn down discs on a smaller grinder, ie a 9 inch disc thats been worn down to 5 inches in a 5 inch grinder is Ok.

    Actually I have a small mark on my 9 inch grinders guard. So that when its won down to that mark I take it off & put it on the 5 inch dia grinder disc stack on the wall, on a nail.
    The disc is most efficient at its top revs, so let the grinder get up to top speed before touching the disc to the work peice.

    I think the OP's found disc may be a worn down asphalt slitter disc. Or for stainless steel. They work real well.
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 05-06-2012 at 07:38 PM.

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  9. #8
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    better rethink - but this could cut all my ac compressors for like zero money - SO - I could suit up to the hilt hard hat face mask lines mens gloves . I can see it will take some time till this blade get small that will be allot of danger time

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