I live in the NY area Upstate near Binghamton ny -
See here is the (MY) story Once i brought in boards complete & they paid me as dirty Al cause AL was on it . I assumed thats what they paid for TV boards as I was new to scraping - any way that was the last time i sold it like that . I would take off AL then sell as Mix . But I had to sneak it in, as some yard guys said they did not want it - It's not like they told me to take it to metal shop to sell as CBM !!
Getting sick of passing off the item as mix i found a yard , from some advice from a member who would take the circuit boards @.17 . Then I realized OK back to my main yard (buyer) and they also take clean circuit boards @ .20 this week i sold about 300 LBs of TV boards . They must have more value some place else but who's going there.
I lost Lots of money selling as mix in the past
landmine There must be a yard by you who will also take as CBM
Try to balance out you board load , see if you can add some juicy looking CBM to the pile , If you bring in the boards mixed with other CBM and just give it to them with confidence they might just take it . Not for nothing there is copper on the boards and more , I bet that CBM stuff is sold off to china or India after all these countries can use methods to recover with no EPA in there business