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Adding Insult to injury

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Adding Insult to injury

    1) A wile back I did a clean out for scrap (A pizza shop) all went well , Then he gave me permission to take his cans as i see them out for trash about 100 lbs plus per week . So as he was generous I decided also to be . I found fluorescent lamps in a dumpster - I told him and he said he needs them i gave for free (well almost traded for some AL) he did use them / The Lamps value was $30 each @ 3 .

    2) I found a SS sink from a Bar it was 12 foot long with 2 sinks and a area for ice I showed it to him he says i need it i 'll give you $50 . If i cleaned it , its value was $60 I figure . So I said as long as you will really use it and i get a chance to enjoy seeing it in use $50 fine . He then has me drop it off at a restaurant appliance repair shop . Once i pull in I am offered $125 on the spot. I say well its nice to know i can sell you certain items you need for above scrap but this is a drop off for Tom at the Pizza shop he wants you to fix the legs . Well the sink never did make it back at the spot I was told it was going to be placed he has a SS table instead. I know what he did !!

    3)Adding Insult to injury He meets my wife, as my wife and her girl friend have some lunch at the new shop. Tom then proceeds to talk with negativity about me first how come I always have dirty pants then he says i take his Cans like a thief in the night & he needs to clean up his act.

    4)UMM excuse me but while this conversation is going on, is it not ironic that the area is lit up with lamps i found in the TRASH !! Hey how about the $75 you stole from me, that was real money you took on false pretenses.

    Last edited by Copper Head; 04-27-2012 at 06:04 PM.

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Wow i wonder what people say about me.. Oh wait i dont give a chit
    I usually am covered in oil, grease and dirt. At least once a week i go into trash dumpsters.
    Work is dirty,

    I dont get why this guy has to be a ****, sounds like you have helped him out a bunch.
    Some people

  3. #3
    thortek's Avatar
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    Take his cans and stop spending $$ at his shop.
    “Most people miss opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work .” ― Thomas A. Edison

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