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the yard raped me yesterday!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    lastchance is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Angry the yard raped me yesterday!

    Yesterday I went to my local scrap yard and they were closed all week and don't open till next week. I always go around 4. There are two other yards close by. The first i I try is already closed Cuz they close at at 4. The last chance we got is this place called metal recycling and they close at 4:30. my girlfriend called them and kept them on the phone so they wouldnt close on us. It's 4:20 and we got a 20 min ride to get there. I have my truck loaded up and my friends truck loaded up. All the employees were ready to go. They rushed us, mixed all my separate aluminum piles in one bin. I had a ton of number 1 copper and they poured it into my number two pile. I had about 1000lbs of tin. Knobody speaks English and I'm getting pissed. To make a long story short they payed me for 75lbs of tin. dirty aluminum, and number 2 copper. They rushed me out of there to close and when they pay me 129 dollars I knew something wasn't right. I'm looking at the ticket trying to figure out what was wrong. It was a cluster ****! They made us leave because of closing. I didn't figure out where they screwed me other then my aluminum and copper untill we were down the road and i had a chance to study the tickit they gave me. I think i lost about 300 bucks yesterday. I worked my ass off just to get burnt. Its not like i can call hey you didnt pay me for all my stuff. Idk had to vent. Im still pissed off at this place

  2. #2
    toula is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Lesson learned next time don't leave until you are satisfied. I know they were rushing you out but the fact is that they will keep doing it until you push back. Hope it goes better next time for you. At least it narrows down what yards you will use.

  3. #3
    lastchance is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Yeah no kidding! I used them along time ago but stopped and couldn't remember why. Now I remember......

  4. #4
    thortek's Avatar
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    That's why I never go anywhere Right before they close.....
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    toula is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Hopefully this gets out around yalls community of scrappers and they will all boycott them.

  7. #6
    greytruck's Avatar
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    I go to my yard between 9:30am or 11:00am and its usually pertty slow. I learned after those times is when the tweekers come in and the place is a mad house. And going on saturdays, Forget it. I waited in line for about 45 mins once just to get paid and about 20 mins to get to the shred pile.

  8. #7
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    Yeah the people who show up loaded down in the last 45 minutes of work royal pisses off any scrap yard worker i have seen. Happened to me today. Went in with a bucket of extremely dirty copper 2. Scale guy was good with it. The guy having to pick threw it all got the anger of god in his eyes and made me start cleaning. I get about half way and scale guy says its all good. I loose a pound whoopdeedo guy turns the bucket into the bin and a **** ton of iron ferrite got show. Ah the stink eye is back. I slip him 2 bucks and tell him ill do better next time. he grumbles and drives into the bin. Scale guy is just laughing his ass off cause the stuff was all good.
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  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by thortek View Post
    That's why I never go anywhere Right before they close.....
    Yep...I only go in right at close if I have a simple load (1 or 2 car bodies, tin, etc)

  10. #9
    Ptscrapper is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Yeah if I even think the yard will be closing right after I get there I don't go I hate this happened to you but when people are working on a job and it's time to go home they want to leave on time not even a minute later but this was wrong what they did to you.
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  11. #10
    wayne's Avatar
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    more haste, less speed.
    I know lying is wrong, but if the elephant man came in now in a blouse with some make up on, and said, "How do I look?" Would you say, bearing in mind he's depressed and has respiratory problems, would you say, "Go and take that blusher off you mis-shapened elephant tranny?" No. You'd say, "You look nice... John""

  12. #11
    Ditchdigger is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    The last chance we got is this place called metal recycling and they close at 4:30. my girlfriend called them and kept them on the phone so they wouldnt close on us. It's 4:20 and we got a 20 min ride to get there.
    So, if I'm reading this right, you got there after closing time?

    They shouldn't have cheated you, they should've told you what time they open the next morning.

  13. #12
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    Make sure you avoid lunchtime too. Hauled in a load of shred one day, not paying attention to the time. Get there its noon. Trucks are lined up at the scale (one on the scale) and we can see the workers inside eating sandwiches. There was a waste of 45 mins

  14. #13
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Going at closing time is never a good time! These people are tired and dealt with all kinds of people all day long!

    First thing in the morning is the best time! Nobody has them pissed off yet and they are not looking to get out of there.

    This idea holds true with any service oriented business. Go to a restaurant just before closing and see how nice they are and how good your food comes out!

    Try the DMV at the end of the day!
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  16. #14
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastchance View Post
    Yesterday I went to my local scrap yard and they were closed all week and don't open till next week. I always go around 4. There are two other yards close by. The first i I try is already closed Cuz they close at at 4. The last chance we got is this place called metal recycling and they close at 4:30. my girlfriend called them and kept them on the phone so they wouldnt close on us. It's 4:20 and we got a 20 min ride to get there. I have my truck loaded up and my friends truck loaded up. All the employees were ready to go. They rushed us, mixed all my separate aluminum piles in one bin. I had a ton of number 1 copper and they poured it into my number two pile. I had about 1000lbs of tin. Knobody speaks English and I'm getting pissed. To make a long story short they payed me for 75lbs of tin. dirty aluminum, and number 2 copper. They rushed me out of there to close and when they pay me 129 dollars I knew something wasn't right. I'm looking at the ticket trying to figure out what was wrong. It was a cluster ****! They made us leave because of closing. I didn't figure out where they screwed me other then my aluminum and copper untill we were down the road and i had a chance to study the tickit they gave me. I think i lost about 300 bucks yesterday. I worked my ass off just to get burnt. Its not like i can call hey you didnt pay me for all my stuff. Idk had to vent. Im still pissed off at this place
    Hate to say this you deserved the treatment you got and have no right to feel pissed because you tried to manipulate the yard by that telephone call now they have to pay thier employees overtime for your stunt.

  17. #15
    lastchance is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Manipulate????? Explain how they were manipulated! I had 2 truckloads and everything sorted in tubs. we got to the yard and the workers were cool with it. We asked if we should come back? They said no back on in! I don't ever go at closing time. The yard I go to closes at 5. The place I ended up having to go to closed at 430 and we go there 10 mind late. They let us in. Noone was manipulated just robbed!

  18. #16
    toula is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    If they told you to come in then closing time is no excuse for poor service. The yard wasn't forced to take his load. If anything go to your regular yard.

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  20. #17
    toula is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Oh yeah and don't be late.

  21. #18
    Ditchdigger is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Manipulate????? Explain how they were manipulated!
    my girlfriend called them and kept them on the phone so they wouldnt close on us.
    That's kinda the meaning I took too...


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  23. #19
    lastchance is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    When she was on the phone with them we let them know where we were at and asked if we should come and they said yes......... they said they couldn't gurrente they would still be open however we never close on time. So we went...... I knew better but did it anyway cuz I wanted to see what they pay, etc...... plus I didn't wana unload both trucks and reload it on Monday. If I knew they were gonna just bunch my stuff together and pay me for 75 lbs of tin when I had over 900 I would of just waited.

  24. #20
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    I agree with Injunjoe, closing time is the worst time for any bussness not just the scrap bussness. I would have parked my truck and went first thing in the mornning. my 2 cents.

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