I went dumpster diving today. Thought since there was some yard sales out id hand out some cards. scored some towers a washer and some old cast iron pans. All free. Well about 2 hours ago I get a call. Un known number. I answer saying hello. To which i get I want your blood spilt on the ground. I was abit amused thinking it was a friend of mine yankin my chain. However the guy went on to say you had better stay off my streets Im the only legidamite scrapper around and I will kick your a$& if i see you. SOOOOO I gave the guy my address and he never showed up.
It amases me how some people think they own the streets. I guess it takes all kinds but im not one to take a threat laying down. But then most guys like that are bad mamajamas on the cell phone. besides all of the drama I had a great day scrapping. Got neer 500lb in my truck of shred and few towers to rip apart and some
ebay pans they sell good on ebay lol.
Hope everyone had a good weekend and week to come.