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Pretty good week (long version)

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    thirsty started this thread.
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    Unhappy Pretty good week (long version)

    Beginning of week my father in law hooked me up with some scrap metal he had from a few jobs. Then he asks me to get rid of an old anvil he has had sitting on the side of his garage because he keeps "tripping over it". Did a little homework, threw it on ebay and scored $250.00 from it. Its an old solid steel anvil from Scheffield, England. I did not realize how sought after anvils were till now. Today scored a new customer, an auto repair shop. Loaded up a bunch of rotors,drums,shocks,springs, exhausts, etc plus 4-5 aluminum heads, two aluminum intakes, one tranny and a cat from who knows what. Scrap yard is only 4 miles from the shop and I managed 1200 lbs of steel alone from that load. Not including the aluminum which I will bring to another yard with my home stash. Went back to the owner and threw him 20 percent to keep him happy (plus he helped load the trailer). He said to come back every 15 days for another load. And yes, my father law will be getting the full $250.00 whether he likes it or not.

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  3. #2
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Tools that the average guy does not have always go great on E-bay. I made a good chunk on some lathe tools I picked up once. The everyday average tool that every guy has is worth max of a dollar at a flea market. Everything else is worth at least 50% of new value. Especially brands such as Starrett, etc.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

  4. #3
    thirsty started this thread.
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    I agree. Pays to do some homework when you come across unique stuff I guess.

  5. #4
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Thirsty I like the thing you're doing for your father in law, good deeds will follow you everywhere you go and in everything you do so you will continue to have good weeks, keep up the good work!
    “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.”

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