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Never Taking Someone I Dont trust with me again

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    PAScrapper started this thread.
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    Never Taking Someone I Dont trust with me again

    Yesterday I took a "friend" along with me scrapping. I saw a man cleaning out his garage so I went up and talked to him, he had 4 grills and a dishwasher. he said he would leave them outside his garage and I could pick them up the next day, we set a time and i was off. Today on my way to pick the stuff up and It wasnt there. I rang his doorbell and asked where he had put the stuff. He says " Oh, your friend picked them up". I just now find out he just got back from the scrap yard. Its hard to believe how greedy some people get. My "Friend" is prolly thinking i thought someone else had got them. As soon as someone finds out Im scrapping, everybody and their brother seems to be doing it. Lets just say I am royally pissed off and his truck will be my punching bag in the future. Anyone else ever had a experience like mine?

    Last edited by PAScrapper; 05-06-2012 at 06:34 PM.

  2. #2
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Call your "friend" out. Tell him you want the cash or at least 1/2 . When he pays you kick his arse! LOL

  3. #3
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    To put it bluntly, it's f**ked up. However, I can guarantee you there are MANY people on (and off) this forum who have been screwed over in this way. I know I am one of them. It did not happen in the scrapping business, but in general, I have fell into a problem with friends over business and it is almost always because of greed. The best thing to do is take it as a learning experience and tread cautiously going forward.

    Calling them out on it is a good way to see how they react to it, but the fact remains you cannot change what is already done. Chances are they will call you down the road for advice at which point you can decide how to handle. Take a deep breath and move on. Luckily, it wasn't a HUGE haul.

  4. #4
    High Voltage Processing's Avatar
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    When I formed High Voltage my best friend wanted to partner with me. I really fought with myself because I didn't want to lose a best friend over this as so often happens in business. Thankfully we are doing well and I get to keep my best friend. Good rule though, friends, family and business don't mix.
    Jim Dwyer
    President/Founder High Voltage Processing

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  6. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Usually a "friend" will mess you over before a stranger will. Cause a friend thinks he'll get away with it, you'll shrug it off.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  8. #6
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    People like this are not friends. These kind of friends you don't need.

  9. #7
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    Been there a few times and lost profit in a big way it sucks as you expect friends to be better then that.
    Way I look at it learn from it and move on as nothing can be done about it just remember karma has a way of taken care of
    people like that.

  10. #8
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    Thinking out loud here would never do it but ... well never say never lol take what you would of made from the deal off his truck/car rim(s) spare what ever else to make up for it and call it even again it would be nice to do it.
    Reality learn from it,end the friendship if he is willing to take this from you what else would/could he walk off with and move on.

  11. #9
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    Don't do anything to his truck it didn't do anything. Put try to get some money from him for talking to the guy. Never had this done to me but my friend told me he had a truck load of computer and said I would pick it up the next be and got a text 5 mins later him telling me he tossed them in a dumpster.

  12. #10
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    This is y I work alone n don't have many friends..ppl will screw u all day to make a buck n make themselves feel better...not only w scrap but life in general..its sad not many value morals n what not anymore..I'm the only honest person I know..for paycheck the other day was for 80 hours the other day when I knew I only had 40 in..told the boss straight up..where I work I can guarantee no1 else would have done wonder I get paid more than most there..anyways don't trust a soul...unless it is ur dad..I can always count on my pops..that's it..

  13. #11
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    Man! He must have been really desperate for scrap. I probably wouldn't really say too much to him about it like another user stated whats done is done but our friendship would definately be over and you didn't make the choice he did.
    “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.”

    Abraham Lincoln

  14. #12
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    Wait a month or two and then put an ad on Craigslist for a large amount of free scrap and list his phone number and address. Or put an ad in the men seeking men section saying your coming out and need a man to show you the ropes but list his cell phone number. Seen it done first hand and he will get dozens of pics of naked men sent to his phone........

    Let him deal with the hundreds of phone calls and people knocking on his door.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold!

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  16. #13
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    yes it sucks when a friend rips you off im going though this right now with my friends son stealing from us. let you know what happens with this week when we decide what to do
    Last edited by trashhaulerbigd; 05-06-2012 at 11:42 PM.

  17. #14
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    This is why I do not have friends only acquaintances
    Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes;
    God bless little children while they're still too young to hate

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  19. #15
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    Life does seem to be a constant struggle to avoid becoming the type of man you despise in others. You can only partner with those of a similar outlook. Good luck in finding that person.

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  21. #16
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    I have a high preference for hiring Veterans, many of whom are friends.... never had a complaint over theft, ever, in 30 years. That says lots about our service veterans that have a very hard time finding work. Give em' a try!!!

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  23. #17
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    when we were in the carnival/concession business there was always of cource the usual problem of pilfering, just like any cash business it is a cost of doing business. however in an emergency situation at the Iowa state fair in the middle 90s I was forced to hire some nieces and nephews. our usual gross at that fair was usually around 22 to 25,000 for the ten days. with record crowds that year our gross was just over $16,000.

    "business partners, and relitives in business can become very good friends much more often, then relitives and friends can become very good business partners." mcw "the realist"

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  25. #18
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    EVERY person I have brought out with me has ended up on my route. Some tell my clients we quit, we broke down, we sent him, or we're partner now.
    So most of our clients have been through it with us and are all smarter now to this. However, now they come at night.
    You clients loves our service and have been with us for many years. It was hard to build up what we have and for someone to ride on our coattail really sucks.
    I don't mind as much to show a friend how to put cash in his pocket but FIND YOUR OWN CLIENTS AND ACCOUNTS.
    Scott and Betty

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  27. #19
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    When I first moved to Edmonton I worked the rural community's during week days then on Saturdays I would take my buddy out with me but kept him confined to the city cruising the alleys.

    It didn't take long for him to learn there was money to be made in scrap, his wife worked at MacMillan Bloedel where they made plastic bottles. They decided to close the plant we got all the scrap and I had tears as big as dog turds when we had to sign a destruction agreement we were not permitted to salvage or resell any of the blow molding equipment.

    MacBlow left us a big forklift and we rented a tandem flat deck and hauled everything to Stelco in 10 ton loads mostly as oversize. WE split 50/50 the scrap was free.

    A short time later Fiberglass Canada did a big expansion, Bob my buddy worked there and managed to get the scrap. his offer to me was a 30 percent cut and I told him to stuff it and that he was still clueless. I wanted 50/50 and told him that we would be getting double the money that Stelco had paid us. Without laying out everything in black and white the thought of making more money got the best of him finally he agreed to the split.

    From that Fiberglass Canada job we were getting huge metal trusses, I-Beam, angle iron and channel with some tubing for which I found a private buyer, the buyer instructed us to offload in a particular spot in his yard then he paid up promptly asking if we had more of this he would buy more.

    So we go and get another load and dump this at Nick's yard, this time no money. So I tell him hey bud we loaded this the first time so it's not going to be a problem loading it up again. Nick pointed to the bottom drawer of his office desk and told us to help ourselves to a drink and that he would be back on half an hour. True to his word back in half with the cash.

    Nick and I have become life long friends he will always be a welcome guest in my home whereas the Bobs in my life have no place.

    Years later I had turned over an 800 ton plus scrap job over to Nick, the owner wanted 25 big ones up front, by this time I had matured enough not to ask my father for a loan. Nick pulled through for me with a nice finders fee even though he never made any attempt to process the scrap which eventually got sold to another guy who made a down payment then never lifted a finger to process. This huge amount of scrap sat for years while the two of them sorted it out in the courts.

    Eventually Nick got control of this scrap then sold it to Amix who did go in a clean up the majority leaving a few cats and a grader behind that were located at other locations a few miles further up the Harrison Lake.

    At that time Ed Jackson owned and ran Amix eventually turning the operation over to his son whom I do not particularly like. Ed was at the helm when this deal came down, after they cleared out Ed gave me the rights to salvage the remaining scrap that they had left behind.

    Scrap prices were way down so I did not go after any of the scrap, then when the price came up to an acceptable level made the long trip into the Harrison only to find that I had been robbed. The guys crane was still sitting at one of the logging camps, and yes I did meet him several years later. I'm aware that he got my scrap but wrote it off.

    Now your asking yourself in this man daft to just write it off and leave it at that, well I could have pursued the matter legally and won my case in a court of law. To do this I would have had to waste Mr. Jackson's time which would have driven a wedge between our business relationship. Plus it would have shown how inept I was at looking after my own business.

    Ed also told me that if I came across another large deal that he would front me the money, I never had to take him up on this offer as I had never run into another shrewed businessman as Henry Larson. He was the owner of that vast amount of scrap metal up the Harrison Lake.

    There was two of the largest Cummins engines I had ever laid eyes on sitting there, I'm almost sure that they burned bunker fuel. To start them you needed compressed air and lots of it, on some other engines I have seen and scrapped one of, a radial engine from WWII you used a shot shell to get it running.

    They claim that your noted by the friends you keep. Birds of a feature flock together.

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  29. #20
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    i do alot of scrapping at night between 11 and 1 am so if i see anybody near my spots i tell em off..

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