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Got my first call today and pumped lol...

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    drewan started this thread.
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    Got my first call today and pumped lol...

    I don't know it this would fit here if not modes could you please move it to the right spot.
    But today I got my first call nothing to write home about lol but the guy said he had some circular saw blades and some other stuff he didn't even know if it would be worth my time to come and get it. I got his address and asked when would be a good time. At your convenience I said how about 11am tomorrow he said he would have it in front of his garage. I gave him a discription of my truck in case his neighbors freaked out he asked what I did with it and asked if I melted it down or sold it I told him that I sell and that I started doing it because I work for the school district and I'll be off for the summer he sounded impressed lol. I've noticed around here alot of the guys wont do a pick up if it's not a ton, close to a ton or there's no other pick up's in the area.But that's fine by me it all adds up in the end and word of mouth is better then anything.

    Last edited by drewan; 05-06-2012 at 05:50 PM.

  2. #2
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Yeah if someone calls to pick something up, go get it no matter how small it is. You never know the next it might be a whole truck load. I have a guy that owns a thrift store that has small amounts of stuff about every other week and when he calls I drop everything to go get it, but he allways calls me because he knows I'll come right over to get the stuff.

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  4. #3
    drewan started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    Yeah if someone calls to pick something up, go get it no matter how small it is. You never know the next it might be a whole truck load. I have a guy that owns a thrift store that has small amounts of stuff about every other week and when he calls I drop everything to go get it, but he allways calls me because he knows I'll come right over to get the stuff.
    That is awesome HS I wish I could get something like that but I don't know how to approach a business about it.

  5. #4
    drewan started this thread.
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    Well I made the trip worth my while lol went to pick the stuff the guy called about got some AL slides from a shower some license plates saw blades and a couple of other things. Then I went in to town and picked up some curb side stuff that was left from spring clean up. Scored an old Kitchen stove some Tv's deer horns lol and some other odds and ends made a call to a landlord about 2 gas hot water heaters that were on the grass if front of his apt building haven't heard back yet.All in all a good day.

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by drewan View Post
    That is awesome HS I wish I could get something like that but I don't know how to approach a business about it.
    drewan, this is what I do...I get the business owner to understand that what I am doing is saving environmental waste, then I tell them that landfills are filling making it harder to dispose of his waste and potentially raisiing the cost of his waste disposal. Ask what his throws away and wait til he gets to an area you're interested in and then tell him he can save that from his dumpster and you will dispose of it at no cost to him...he just needs to set it aside or call you to come pick it up. WHEN HE CALLS YOU, GO GET IT IMMEDIATELY!!!! If you have specific times you can pick things up, like me since I do this part time, then just let him know what hours you can do it. You will start getting more calls. The first thing I should have said was to just ask in the first place and don't worry about what the perception may be, if you can save me money legally, morally, and ethically, I don't really care who you are!!!

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  8. #6
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    What I did was made up a list of things that I look for, made coppies and went aroud to the thrift stores in my area, gave them a copy of the list and asked them to call me if they had any of the things on the list. Most thrift stores told me they had someone to pick up thiere stuff. I have two that I go to on a weekly bases. Don't be afraid to ask, all they can say is no, then move on to the next one. I hope this helps a little. Happy scrapen!!!

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  10. #7
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    One of the best pieces of advice my dad gave me was "Son never be afraid to ask, the worst that could happen is SHE will say no". I guess it applies in this situation also.

    I have one thrift store that has become a mini $$tree for me. I saw them throwing away a box of small electronics and power cords one day and asked if I could have it. I then explained what I do sorta like TrailerScrap said. Next thing a few years have gone by and they save anything metal or electronic for me and I provided them with a 55 gallon trash can that they throw all the cords in and I pay them $.25 lb.They use the $$ for drinks and snacks for employees and they dont have to call the dumpster company nearly as often.They used to just make my me a pile behind the place next to their dumpster, but some other "scrappers" were stopping by bashing crts and leaving a mess so now they lock their dumpster and keep my goodies inside the backdoor.just make sure I stop by a couple times a week so it dosent become a pain for them. Owner saves $$,employees get free snacks, and I make $$.Everybody is happy.

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  12. #8
    drewan started this thread.
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    Thanks all I'll take these tips and give it a try hopefully I don't fall flat on my

  13. #9
    waredu's Avatar
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    If you do fall - just get back up again. Busted nose, black eye, knocked out teeth and all. You'll only fail if you don't get back up.

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  15. #10
    drewan started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by waredu View Post
    If you do fall - just get back up again. Busted nose, black eye, knocked out teeth and all. You'll only fail if you don't get back up.
    So true

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