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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    I watched an episode of "American Restoration" which they restored a large safe similar to yours. The show is on the History Channel. Mostly they just painted it back to the original color. Mike.

    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  3. #22
    Craasher's Avatar
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    Yeah i saw that one too the only problem was the charged that guy 3k and currently thats about 2,998 dollars more than I can afford to pay...

  4. #23
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    Painting is like everthing else, the foundation is the most important thing. Clean the surface, treat the rust with a rust converter, apply bondo where needed, prime, sand, paint. I would use the same type paint I used painting cars. I would use a single stage, base coat with clear and hardener in one application. Might take a couple coats to get it right. The good news is if you screw it up wait for it to fully dry, sand it down and start over.

    This can take a little practice but looks like it would be worth it. Mike.

  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Craasher View Post
    No I didn't scrap it and never will. Its in my basement until I can find some way to restore it. I have the combination and it still works great.
    How much are you looking for this safe? I may like to out right buy it from you.
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  6. #25
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    As much as I like cash easy I dont think I can ever sell the safe. Its too cool and means to much to me to get rid of. When I was going through all the papers from the safe I found the check for my mothers first car in there. A $2600 check for a 1966 Mustang.

    I also found checks where he paid my grandmother (who kept the books) $60 for 6 months of work. So she basically made $2.50 / week and my mother got $1 a week allowance. Its been too fun going through all the checks and records from the brick company.

  7. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Craasher View Post
    As much as I like cash easy I dont think I can ever sell the safe. Its too cool and means to much to me to get rid of. When I was going through all the papers from the safe I found the check for my mothers first car in there. A $2600 check for a 1966 Mustang.

    I also found checks where he paid my grandmother (who kept the books) $60 for 6 months of work. So she basically made $2.50 / week and my mother got $1 a week allowance. Its been too fun going through all the checks and records from the brick company.
    Yea and in a few years kids will be like &$^@ you worked for $8 or $10 an hour? when the min wage is over 15 or some dumb crap like that.

    Amen on not selling it and I would hold onto it...old safes are the best thing. I love them for what they are but in cant get a safe that is as well built as the old ones. They make them cheap and thin...unlike the old ones....I think they where like...hey lets see how much metal we can put on here because we have nothing else to do and we only make a few safes a year so lets do over kill and make it look nice at the same time.

  8. #27
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    I see good, commercial quality, safes at auctions all the time and usually they go for cheap because people don't want to move them. No combo on many but if the door is open a good locksmith can deal with that for a reasonable price.
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  9. #28
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    I see good, commercial quality, safes at auctions all the time and usually they go for cheap because people don't want to move them. No combo on many but if the door is open a good locksmith can deal with that for a reasonable price.
    Yes the safe i found the door was open but some how during the load it shut and locked so it was to costly to re-key other wise I'd a kept it .

  10. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    I see good, commercial quality, safes at auctions all the time and usually they go for cheap because people don't want to move them. No combo on many but if the door is open a good locksmith can deal with that for a reasonable price.
    If you come across and old safes in good shape give me a call or shoot me a txt photo of it and I will let you know if I will buy it.

  11. #30
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    Definitely. Just got a BIG BOY safe myself; over 1,000 lbs and how we loaded it into an e250 cargo van was by loading it onto a industrial hand truck, leaning it into the cargo area and tilted the hand truck back and sliding the safe up the hand truck rails and in!!!

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