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A safe

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    A safe

    I have a 7oo lb safe NOW WHAT ?? yards don't want them
    After measuring sq ft it has at best 500 lb steel and the rest cement

  2. #2
    Russell's Avatar
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    We had a 1200lber at work stored for years. Warehouse guy took it out for disposal. He thought he was gonna have a nice payday in the way home at the scrap yard. They took it but wouldn't pay him anything for it. Otherwise torch it in half and take out the cement. Good luck, I have a basketball hoop filled with cement that needs cleaning.

  3. #3
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    ch-if its an old safe look into selling it. They can go for a nicebit of $$$. Why not look into selling to a locksmith, if it was a freebee then you will get better than scrap value for it.
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  4. #4
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Mosley safe year 1956 called a cash holder very secure

  5. #5
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    store your copper in it

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  7. #6
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Well the door shut on it and that changed the whole re key and tumbler pass code redoing price .
    with door open I was offered $50 . Fortunately I know a yard that pays a bit less but there not as picky . They ask no questions & I offer no info.... so i did get $70 . To tell you the truth I was wondering how I was even able to push it out of Van - First try - no budging then I use the hidden strength of the brain telling the body what needs to be done & it moved with no effort at that point ,The subconscious part of the mind can move a mountainside.
    To those who wonder how i did get a 700 lb safe into my mini van by my self I'll tell you,
    I used a 2 ton jack and by means of the brain telling the body what needs to be done I moved it on to the jack and pumped it to max hight as it stayed on the jack head balanced . I then had to take out almost all the air from the back tires to lower the bumper ( that did it ) from there I just flipped it on in and watched the truck go lower 700 lb in a condensed 20 inch square cube.
    Last edited by Copper Head; 05-12-2012 at 05:38 AM.

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  9. #7
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Now that's using your head!!!

  10. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Head View Post
    Well the door shut on it and that changed the whole re key and tumbler pass code redoing price .
    with door open I was offered $50 . Fortunately I know a yard that pays a bit less but there not as picky . They ask no questions & I offer no info.... so i did get $70 . To tell you the truth I was wondering how I was even able to push it out of Van - First try no budging then I use the hidden strength of the brain telling the body what needs to be done & it moved with no effort at that point ,The subconscious part of the mind can move a mountainside.
    To those who wonder how i did get a 700 lb safe into my mini van by my self I'll tell you,
    I used a 2 ton jack and by means of the brain telling the body what needs to be done I wove it on to the jack and pumped it to max hight as it stayed on the jack head balanced . I then had to take out almost all the air from the back tires to lower the bumper ( that did it ) from there I just flipped it on in and watched the truck go lower 700 lb in a condensed 20 inch square cube.
    Then you sit back and wish you had a forklift or a skid-steer....

    Lol wish I saw you trying to load that one up...sounds like it was a fun!
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  11. #9
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Head View Post
    Well the door shut on it and that changed the whole re key and tumbler pass code redoing price .
    with door open I was offered $50 . Fortunately I know a yard that pays a bit less but there not as picky . They ask no questions & I offer no info.... so i did get $70 . To tell you the truth I was wondering how I was even able to push it out of Van - First try no budging then I use the hidden strength of the brain telling the body what needs to be done & it moved with no effort at that point ,The subconscious part of the mind can move a mountainside.
    To those who wonder how i did get a 700 lb safe into my mini van by my self I'll tell you,
    I used a 2 ton jack and by means of the brain telling the body what needs to be done I wove it on to the jack and pumped it to max hight as it stayed on the jack head balanced . I then had to take out almost all the air from the back tires to lower the bumper ( that did it ) from there I just flipped it on in and watched the truck go lower 700 lb in a condensed 20 inch square cube.
    Try loading a 5500 lb metal lathe onto a car trailer by yourself, with nothing more than three short pieces of pipe, a pile of wood blocking and a jack-all.

  12. #10
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Try loading a 5500 lb metal lathe onto a car trailer by yourself, with nothing more than three short pieces of pipe, a pile of wood blocking and a jack-all.
    Gus, you built any pyramids lately? ;-)
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  13. #11
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Try loading a 5500 lb metal lathe onto a car trailer by yourself, with nothing more than three short pieces of pipe, a pile of wood blocking and a jack-all.
    I could envision rolling useing the pipes . I bet a person could loose a hand if not careful
    Last edited by Copper Head; 05-12-2012 at 06:46 PM.

  14. #12
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    I would have HAD to cut it open just to be sure it was empty

  15. #13
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    This safe is about 2000 lbs of cast iron with no concrete in it but its from the 1890's. I removed this one from my grandfathers house when he passed away. It was his safe at the brick company and my great grandfather bought it in 1908 when he started the brick company. This one was in the basement at the back of the house and I removed it with a skid steer with forklift forks through the basement man door.

  16. #14
    thortek's Avatar
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    Loads like that prompted me to buy a forklift.
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  17. #15
    RustyDollars's Avatar
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    I was able to get a vault door free for the removal when a Savings and Loan was being torn down. Dang thin weighs around 400 lbs but it pivots on it's hinges very easy. I ended up using it for my shop door. I did get the combination with it also. Shown behind the trellis that I photo'd.

    If it wasn't for the $ in $crap, it would just be.....

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  19. #16
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    i have a few teenagers I would like to put in your shop for about a week ;-)

  20. #17
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by RustyDollars View Post
    I was able to get a vault door free for the removal when a Savings and Loan was being torn down. Dang thin weighs around 400 lbs but it pivots on it's hinges very easy. I ended up using it for my shop door. I did get the combination with it also. Shown behind the trellis that I photo'd.

    Could some one lock you in from behind

  21. #18
    RustyDollars's Avatar
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    Could some one lock you in from behind
    Yes they could, but there is a second door on the other end.

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  23. #19
    G_P is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Craasher View Post
    This safe is about 2000 lbs of cast iron with no concrete in it but its from the 1890's. I removed this one from my grandfathers house when he passed away. It was his safe at the brick company and my great grandfather bought it in 1908 when he started the brick company. This one was in the basement at the back of the house and I removed it with a skid steer with forklift forks through the basement man door.

    Did you scrap that safe? I would think that a 100+ year old safe would be worth more than the couple hundred in scrap value to an antique dealer or collector.

    My grandmother had a smaller version of a safe like that. When she died my cousin who is HUGE into antique cars/machinery/tools wanted it and after we hauled it out of the house to the driveway we took a break before loading it on his trailer. A ton of people stopped by asking if they could have it for scrap and a few wanted to buy it off of him to put in their houses.
    He kept it for sentimental value and is still using it today.

  24. #20
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    No I didn't scrap it and never will. Its in my basement until I can find some way to restore it. I have the combination and it still works great.

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