Since I know how much you like my pics. I uploaded a few new ones for you. Been cutting up big big stuff at the yard.
Thanks mechanic.
Since I know how much you like my pics. I uploaded a few new ones for you. Been cutting up big big stuff at the yard.
Thanks mechanic.
Last edited by PistoneScrapProcessing; 05-23-2012 at 06:46 PM.
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Holy crap!!! What was those round things? Steam roller wheels???
solid 30 something inch shafts. 20 mins to make a cut straight through it. Just another day at the yard for me and my crew though.
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Also,thanks for sharing. Great pics
If you click on the blank tabs it opens in a separate window
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Do you need a special torch and tips to cut oversized heavy melt?
Yeah you need a special torch it would take 8 hours to cut it with a three foot harris or something around 8 hours I honestly have no clue because I would never attempt it with something that small. I don't name my suppliers but its a jet torch with what would be considered a number 40 tip and weights about a pound and cost right around 200 dollars a tip.
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Last edited by gustavus; 05-23-2012 at 05:57 PM.
Awesome pics Pistone.
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Thank you for the pic's PSP, I put them in your post also.
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
Prepared to me is what you can get away with just slip a few pieces in here and there in a HMS railcar and it blends in nicely. I am cutting them every two foot. The big thick pieces that look like blocks went special order plate to a blast furnance 30 to 35 pieces is a 200,000 lb railcar.
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The yards by me never cut anything, it goes on a truck to port of Tampa, in the shredder right into a ship and off to China it goes. That shredder will shred thoses pieces like it was plastic. I quess thats why they don't have diffrant grades of steel down here. I'm glad I don't have to sort my steel, it all gets mexed together except cars, they pay an extra 1.00 per 100 lbs.
Last edited by happyscraper; 05-23-2012 at 07:57 PM.
I seriously doubt there's a shredder anywhere that will shred 30+ inch shafts.
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That's insane. I was drooling at those huge shaft pics.
.... Wait.
To hell with it, you know what i mean.
Haha a shredder will shredd anything a half inch and under unless its a mega shredder then the biggest it can shredd is a whole semi truck. If you loaded a 40,000 lb solid piece on the conveyor it probably would stop the conveyor cold and burn the motor up trying to move it up it. Let's say it did make it up conveyor and into the box it would break every single hammer on the shredders rotor and burn the motor up running the shredder. Minimum 750,000 dollars worth of damage. It wouldn't even put a dent in the piece and it would come out of the drop box below the rotor. I would love to see it happen. There's a reason why I am in a league of my own. I would take more pictures but when you do this day in and day out you become kinda numb to it and every day just is monotonous. I am sure other people would be amazed at what's in the yard but it just gets old to me.
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Thanks for the pics, I think everyone loves looking at them..... its just amazing what you do there.
Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.
Thomas Jefferson
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Its an old thread I know but I was wondering if this guy is still on here at all. if you are I got some questions for you if your willing to answer them.
and on a side note I did get to see one of those blocks you pictured drop into our mill when i was on the picking line. it was too big to fit through the reject door and instead of breaking the hammers, it just split the armor plate and forced its way out the front. pretty much the drive shaft had so much pressure pushing out away from the screen, it forced a tensile tear right down the side and instantly that 2" thick (or more) steel box ripped apart like it was hulk hogans t-shirt. 2 days of welding and about a weeks worth of changing the hammers, pins, and if im not mistaken also the driveshaft and it was good to go. it did put a significant dent or two in the steel block as well. **** thing woulda killed one of us if we were walking under it at the time. had a hard time even picking it up with the skid loader.
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