I got an E-mail from a woman a few days ago saying that she had a frige,a couple of sinks, and some misc. metal and that she needed it gone this week. So I called her and set a time and day. Went up today for pickup everything was in the basement lol luckily I had an outside access but was still a killer. I ended up with 2 friges old ones the compressor on one is huge This is the one that almost kicked my butt ended up sliding a board underneath and using the old push pull method an old washer from the 50's-60's a heavy a$$ window
air conditioner some steel pipe and some copper pipe and wire antique brass outlet on and off push button covers heavy. She said she is going to make another list for me car parts and other stuff I still have to go back and get a dryer since I didn't have any room left on my truck and trailer.
The cool part is she is going to tell her friends about me a bunch of them also own rentals.