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  1. #1
    drewan started this thread.
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    Cool Great day today almost got my butt handed to me lol ...

    I got an E-mail from a woman a few days ago saying that she had a frige,a couple of sinks, and some misc. metal and that she needed it gone this week. So I called her and set a time and day. Went up today for pickup everything was in the basement lol luckily I had an outside access but was still a killer. I ended up with 2 friges old ones the compressor on one is huge This is the one that almost kicked my butt ended up sliding a board underneath and using the old push pull method an old washer from the 50's-60's a heavy a$$ window air conditioner some steel pipe and some copper pipe and wire antique brass outlet on and off push button covers heavy. She said she is going to make another list for me car parts and other stuff I still have to go back and get a dryer since I didn't have any room left on my truck and trailer.
    The cool part is she is going to tell her friends about me a bunch of them also own rentals.

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  3. #2
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Cool!, but what will you do with all that freon ?

  4. #3
    matt018's Avatar
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    Just take care of it....... Not a big deal.

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  6. #4
    drewan started this thread.
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    Don't know just bring to the yard as is and see what I get or try the water in the bottle method.

  7. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drewan View Post
    Don't know just bring to the yard as is and see what I get or try the water in the bottle method.
    The yards usually won't take anything with freon still in it. Before you start picking up fridge's/freezers with freon have a plan of action for removing the freon safely, like learning the proper way with the proper equipment, or working a deal with a repairman like has been mentioned many times.
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  9. #6
    Enoch43 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I had something interesting happen today. I am not going to name names, but a scrap metal buyer in Indianapolis that has multiple locations made me cringe today. I usually take steel to one location because it is easier to get in and out, and take non ferrous to a different location because I am friendlier with the yard manager and the guys on the scales. When I do bring steel to my non-ferrous location, they put fridges and such to the side to recover the freon. I had sold fridges to the other spot before, but today when i brought one and pushed it off my truck, a guy was in the "claw machine" and basically.....intentionally grabbed the fridge rough and squeezed it before throwing it on the common steel pile. I think he was intentionally puncturing it. This company is using a new computer system, and low and behold, by signing my ticket i certified that any freon containing item was evacuated before I brought it.

    From now on I will stick to bringing fridges to the place I sell non-ferrous. I am not an eco-warrior, but that seemed really sloppy and short sighted.

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  11. #7
    LarryB is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Yup, I've seen that at some of the yards up here too. How many others are doing that too eh. Bastads!

  12. #8
    Swampy's Avatar
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    I called a local yard & they said to just bring it i'm wondering if I would be signing that same statement on a ticket....

    As noted in other threads, getting certified in handling or removing freon isn't difficult, but I've been wondering about the cost of equipment, storage, and disposal. I'd like to study on the economics of doing that as a service.

  13. #9
    waredu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swampy View Post
    I called a local yard & they said to just bring it i'm wondering if I would be signing that same statement on a ticket....

    As noted in other threads, getting certified in handling or removing freon isn't difficult, but I've been wondering about the cost of equipment, storage, and disposal. I'd like to study on the economics of doing that as a service.
    The thing is - once you've got the certs, equipment, etc. you can make more money with it as an AC tech than you can simply emptying stuff for scrappers.

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  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by waredu View Post
    The thing is - once you've got the certs, equipment, etc. you can make more money with it as an AC tech than you can simply emptying stuff for scrappers.
    True but you can do both or either, happy day either way. Mike
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  16. #11
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryB View Post
    Yup, I've seen that at some of the yards up here too. How many others are doing that too eh. Bastads!
    One yard by me told me to bring the fridges in full, I asked him if they remove the freon before crushing at their main site. He said nope, they pick it up, put it in the crusher and it goes ''poof.''

    Lesson learned.

    Oh, and what is this water in the bottle method mentioned up thread?
    Last edited by newattitude; 08-25-2013 at 09:06 AM.
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  17. #12
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    One yard by me told me to bring the fridges in full, I asked him if they remove the freon before crushing at their main site. He said nope, they pick it up, put it in the crusher and it goes ''poof.''

    Lesson learned.

    Oh, and what is this water in the bottle method mentioned up thread?
    I called yards on both sides of the line here to ask what certs they needed with a fridge, none required anything, "just bring em in any ol way"

    the water in the bucket was the old fashion way of thinking we were being enviro friendly, it's actually the way I was told to do it long ago, at a major trucking maintenance shop, when draining truck ACs to do repairs "if you wanna be enviro consious just stick the drain hose down in a bucket of water". It did leave some muck floating on the water, but actually I later found the only thing it was "absorbing/collecting" was the oil within the gas(ACs use an oil within the freon for internal lube and seal preservation), but the freon was still being released

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  19. #13
    happyisthealero's Avatar
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    Did you charge the old lady to remove the items?

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